Freiburg 2019 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
FM 17: Quantum Computation: Simulation I
Montag, 23. September 2019, 16:30–18:15, 1010
16:30 |
FM 17.1 |
Quantum Simulation of the Quantum Rabi Model in the Deep Strong Coupling Regime — •Johannes Koch, Geram Hunanyan, Simone Felicetti, Enrique Rico, Enrique Solano, and Martin Weitz
16:45 |
FM 17.2 |
Simulating a Mott insulator using attractive interaction — •Marcell Gall, Chun Fai Chan, Nicola Wurz, and Michael Köhl
17:00 |
FM 17.3 |
Defect-free assembly of 2D clusters of more than 100 single-atom quantum systems in a multilayer Talbot optical lattice — •Malte Schlosser, Daniel Ohl de Mello, Dominik Schäffner, Tilman Preuschoff, Lars Kohfahl, Jan Werkmann, and Gerhard Birkl
17:15 |
FM 17.4 |
Simulating long-range interacting systems with cold atoms in resonators — •Simon B. Jäger, Luigi Giannelli, Francesco Rosati, and Giovanna Morigi
17:30 |
FM 17.5 |
Ions and atoms in optical dipole traps: a new platform for quantum simulations — Pascal Weckesser, Fabian Thielemann, Isabelle Lindemann, Florian Hasse, Tobias Schaetz, and •Leon Karpa
17:45 |
FM 17.6 |
Easing the Monte Carlo Sign Problem — •Dominik Hangleiter, Ingo Roth, Daniel Nagaj, and Jens Eisert
18:00 |
FM 17.7 |
Shell structure and deterministic preparation of microscopic two dimensional systems — •Luca Bayha, Marvin Holten, Ralf Klemt, Keerthan Subramanian, Philipp Preiß, and Selim Jochim