Freiburg 2019 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
FM 34: Topology: Solid State Systems
Dienstag, 24. September 2019, 14:00–15:15, 1199
14:00 |
FM 34.1 |
Invited Talk:
Understanding the Interplay between Magnetism and Topology — •Matthew Gilbert
14:30 |
FM 34.2 |
A fractional Weyl semimetal — Fabian Hotz, Apoorv Tiwari, Oguz Turker, Tobias Meng, Ady Stern, •Maciej Koch-Janusz, and Titus Neupert
14:45 |
FM 34.3 |
Chiral Majorana fermions in proximity-modified graphene — •Petra Högl, Tobias Frank, Denis Kochan, Martin Gmitra, and Jaroslav Fabian
15:00 |
FM 34.4 |
Simulation of chiral topological phases in driven quantum dot arrays — •Beatriz Perez-Gonzalez, Miguel Bello, Alvaro Gomez-Leon, and Gloria Platero