16:30 |
FM 41.1 |
Fast and high-fidelity motional state control of trapped ions — •Jan-Philipp Schröder, Matthias Wittemer, Frederick Hakelberg, Philip Kiefer, Daniel Rieländer, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
16:30 |
FM 41.2 |
Detecting the motion of mechanical oscillators with superconducting quantum interference devices — •K. Uhl, J. Hofer, J. Slater, C. Schneider, G. Kirchmair, O. F. Kieler, T. Weimann, M. Aspelmeyer, D. Koelle, and R. Kleiner
16:30 |
FM 41.3 |
Chip-based magnetic traps for superconducting levitation of µm-sized particles — •Martí Gutierrez Latorre, David Niepce, Matthias Rudolph, and Witlef Wieczorek
16:30 |
FM 41.4 |
High-reflectivity AlGaAs-based on-chip optomechanical devices for quantum optics experiments — •Sushanth Kini M, Karim Elkhouly, Jamie Fitzgerald, Shu Min Wang, Phillippe Tassin, and Witlef Wieczorek
16:30 |
FM 41.5 |
Zerodur®-based optical setup for a transportable aluminium ion quantum logic optical clock — •Benjamin Kraus, Stephan Hannig, Ortwin Hellmig, Moritz Mihm, Patrick Windpassinger, and Piet O. Schmit
16:30 |
FM 41.6 |
Zerodur based optical and vacuum systems for the field application of quantum technologies — •Moritz Mihm, Sören Boles, Jean Pierre Marburger, André Wenzlawski, Ortwin Hellmig, and Patrick Windpassinger
16:30 |
FM 41.7 |
Design and optimization of a confocal microscopy setup for the investigation of nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamond — •Lukas Götz, Tingpeng Luo, Felix Hahl, and Jan Jeske
16:30 |
FM 41.8 |
NV-doped diamond for ultrasensitive laser threshold magnetometry — Felix Hahl, Tingpeng Luo, Lukas Götz, Julia Langer, Volker Cimalla, and •Jan Jeske
16:30 |
FM 41.9 |
Sensitive DC magnetometry with nitrogen-vacancy center ensembles in diamond — •Chen Zhang, Vadim Vorobyov, Junichi Isoya, and Jörg Wrachtrup
16:30 |
FM 41.10 |
Cavity design and simulations for a NV centre laser and laser threshold magnetometry — •Felix Hahl, Lukas Götz, and Jan Jeske
16:30 |
FM 41.11 |
VECSEL system for quantum manipulation of trapped magnesium ions — •Till Rehmert, Maximilian J. Zawierucha, Jan Christoph Heip, Fabian Wolf, and Piet O. Schmidt
16:30 |
FM 41.12 |
Optical dipole trapping in a drop tower experiment — •Marian Woltmann, Christian Vogt, Sven Herrmann, Claus Lämmerzahl, and the PRIMUS Team
16:30 |
FM 41.13 |
Characterisation of wavelength-shifted Photon Pairs for Quantum Imaging Applications — •Florian Herbst, Florian Elsen, Bernd Jungbluth, Hans-Dieter Hoffmann, and Reinhart Poprawe
16:30 |
FM 41.14 |
Modeling and simulation of SPDC sources for quantum imaging experiments — •Felix Riexinger, Patricia Bickert, Björn Haase, Mirco Kutas, Daniel Molter, Michael Bortz, and Georg von Freymann
16:30 |
FM 41.15 |
A quantum acousto-optical transducer based on induced coherence without induced emission — •Joel Schmidt, Raphael Nold, Tobias Linkewitz, Florian Kaiser, and Jörg Wrachtrup
16:30 |
FM 41.16 |
Master equation for enseble of multilevel atoms — •Aleksei Konovalov, Andreas Buchheit, and Giovanna Morigi
16:30 |
FM 41.17 |
Progress Towards an Al+ Quantum Logic Optical Clock — Johannes Kramer, Fabian Dawel, •Nicolas Spethmann, Sara Panahandeh, and Piet Schmidt
16:30 |
FM 41.18 |
Control of the spin relaxation in hot atomic ensembles for spatially resolved magnetometry — •Victor Lebedev, Stefan Hartwig, and Thomas Middelmann
16:30 |
FM 41.19 |
Microwave Raman Transitions in the Multilevel Electronic Ground State of the NV Center — •Sascha Neinert, Florian Böhm, Niko Nikolay, Nikola Sadzak, Bernd Sontheimer, and Oliver Benson
16:30 |
FM 41.20 |
100 kHz Attosecond Pulse Source for Coincidence Spectroscopy — •Dominik Ertel, Anna-Lena Jäger, Samuel Kellerer, Matteo Moioli, Hamed Ahmadi, Fabio Frassetto, Luca Poletto, and Giuseppe Sansone
16:30 |
FM 41.21 |
State-resolved photoionization time delays in CF4 using two-color coincidence laser spectroscopy — •s. h. Ahmadi, m. moioli, e. plesiat, a. palaciosp, m. reduzzi, a. Stenftlebens, f. frassetto, l. poletto, f. bragheri, r. osellame, p. decleva, c. d. schröter, r. moshammer, t. pfeifer, f. martin, and g. sansone
16:30 |
FM 41.22 |
Attosecond pulse generation at FERMI FEL — •Praveen Kumar Maroju
16:30 |
FM 41.23 |
Quantum Sensing of Microwave Magnetic Fields with Sensor Unlimited Resolution — •Jonas Meinel, Vadim Vorobyov, Boris Yavkin, Durga Dasari, and Jörg Wrachtrup
16:30 |
FM 41.24 |
Nanodiamonds in three-dimensional direct-laser-written Waveguides for On-Tip-Sensing — •Jonas Gutsche, Stefan Dix, Alexander Landowski, and Artur Widera
16:30 |
FM 41.25 |
Quantum sensing with superconducting microwave circuits — •Matti Partanen, Kirill G. Fedorov, Stefan Pogorzalek, Michael Renger, Qi-Ming Chen, Achim Marx, Frank Deppe, and Rudolf Gross
16:30 |
FM 41.26 |
Optimal sensing with NV Centers in Diamond. — •Nimba Oshnik Pandey and Elke Neu
16:30 |
FM 41.27 |
Some practical considerations of quantum inertial sensors in navigation — •Benjamin Tennstedt and Steffen Schön
16:30 |
FM 41.28 |
T3-interferometry — •Matthias Zimmermann, Maxim A. Efremov, Omer Amit, Yair Margalit, Frank A. Narducci, Wolfgang P. Schleich, and Ron Folman