Freiburg 2019 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
FM 58: Quantum Information Concepts in Thermodynamics
Mittwoch, 25. September 2019, 14:00–16:00, 3042
14:00 |
FM 58.1 |
Invited Talk:
Thermodynamic uncertainty relations from exchange fluctuation theorems — •John Goold
14:30 |
FM 58.2 |
Coherence and catalysis in the Jaynes-Cummings model — •Anette Messinger, Atirach Ritboon, Frances Crimin, Sarah Croke, and Stephen M. Barnett
14:45 |
FM 58.3 |
Von Neumann entropy from unitarity — Paul Boes, Jens Eisert, Rodrigo Gallego, Markus P. Müller, and •Henrik Wilming
15:00 |
FM 58.4 |
Collective performance of a finite-time quantum Otto cycle — •Michal Kloc, Pavel Cejnar, and Gernot Schaller
15:15 |
FM 58.5 |
A truly quantum Szilárd demon — •Konstantin Beyer, Kimmo Luoma, and Walter T. Strunz
15:30 |
FM 58.6 |
Quantum entropy flow is different — •Alwin van Steensel and Mohammad Ansari
15:45 |
FM 58.7 |
Energtic cost of quantum control protocol — •Obinna Abah