16:30 |
FM 63.1 |
Light-driven nuclei thermodynamics in bulk GaAs and (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots — •Pavel Sokolov, Mikhail Petrov, Kirill Kavokin, Maria Kuznecova, Sergey Verbin, Dirk Reuter, Andreas D. Wieck, Dmitri Yakovlev, and Manfred Bayer
16:30 |
FM 63.2 |
Phase transitions in double quantum dots coupled to superconducting leads — •Georgios Loukeris, Martin Žonda, Vladislav Pokorný, Tomáš Novotný, and Michael Thoss
16:30 |
FM 63.3 |
Extended nuclear spin coherence in an ensemble of (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots — •Eiko Evers, Tomasz Kazimierczuk, Alex Greilich, Dmitri R. Yakovlev, Andreas D. Wieck, Dirk Reuter, and Manfred Bayer
16:30 |
FM 63.4 |
The contribution has been withdrawn (duplicate of FM 84.19).
16:30 |
FM 63.5 |
Hybrid assembly of the quantum optical elements — •Andreas Schell
16:30 |
FM 63.6 |
Exciton spin and recombination dynamics in CdSe nanocrystals in glass matrix — •Gang Qiang, Elena V. Shornikova, Dmitri R. Yakovlev, Aleksandr A. Golovatenko, Anna V. Rodina, Evgeniy A. Zhukov, Alexey A. Onushchenko, and Manfred Bayer
16:30 |
FM 63.7 |
In Situ Probing of Conductive Superlattices Formation of Cu1.1S Nanodisks at the Liquid/Air Interface — •Sonam Maiti, Santanu Maiti, Marcus Scheele, and Frank Schreiber
16:30 |
FM 63.8 |
Quantum thermodynamics in driven nanosystems: A hierarchical quantum master equation approach — •Jakob Bätge, Wenjie Dou, Amikam Levy, and Michael Thoss
16:30 |
FM 63.9 |
Quantum transport through molecular nanojunctions with conical intersections — •Christoph Kaspar and Michael Thoss
16:30 |
FM 63.10 |
Tunneling between isolated quasiparticle levels via Cooper pair splitting in an atomic contact — •Haonan Huang, Jacob Senkpiel, Robert Drost, Ciprian Padurariu, Simon Dambach, Björn Kubala, Juan Carlos Cuevas, Alfredo Levy Yeyati, Joachim Ankerhold, Christian R. Ast, and Klaus Kern
16:30 |
FM 63.11 |
Josephson junctions and SQUIDs created by focused helium-ion-beam irradiation of YBa2Cu3O7 — •Max Karrer, Benedikt Müller, Fabienne Limberger, Theodor Luibrand, Zeynep Kaczmarek, Maximilian Becker, Birgit Schröppel, Claus Burkhardt, Reinhold Kleiner, Edward Goldobin, and Dieter Koelle
16:30 |
FM 63.12 |
Crossed Andreev reflection in 3d TI-superconductor nanowire hybrid systems — •Michael Barth, Jacob Fuchs, Cosimo Gorini, and Klaus Richter
16:30 |
FM 63.13 |
Physical implementation of quantum walks in effective Dirac systems — •Vanessa Junk, Phillipp Reck, Cosimo Gorini, and Klaus Richter
16:30 |
FM 63.14 |
Electronic transport in the spinless Falicov-Kimball model with inhomogeneous charge orderings — •Rudolf Smorka, Martin Zonda, and Michael Thoss
16:30 |
FM 63.15 |
Complex magnetic and dielectric properties of pyrochlore compounds with application potential for quantum technology — •Thomas Herrmannsdörfer and Sumanta Chattopadhyay
16:30 |
FM 63.16 |
Spectroscopic investigation of the neutral charge state of the tin-vacancy centre in diamond — •Johannes Görlitz, Dennis Herrmann, Morgane Gandil, Philipp Fuchs, Gergö Thiering, Takayuki Iwasaki, Takashi Taniguchi, Mutsuko Hatano, Adam Gali, and Christoph Becher
16:30 |
FM 63.17 |
Spectroscopy of the negatively charged tin-vacancy centre in diamond — •Dennis Herrmann, Johannes Görlitz, Morgane Gandil, Philipp Fuchs, Takayuki Iwasaki, Takashi Taniguchi, Mutsuko Hatano, and Christoph Becher
16:30 |
FM 63.18 |
Characterization of in-house grown CVD diamond with NV centers — •Tingpeng Luo, Lukas Götz, Brett Johnson, David Simpson, Liam Hall, Di Wang, Julia Langer, Volker Cimalla, and Jan Jeske
16:30 |
FM 63.19 |
Nanostructuring diamond with self-organized metal droplets as etching mask — •Patricia Quellmalz, Christian Giese, Peter Knittel, and Christoph Nebel
16:30 |
FM 63.20 |
VLS-Growth and characterization of bulk-insulating topological insulator nanowires — •Felix Münning, Oliver Breunig, Zhiwei Wang, Mengmeng Bai, Stefan Roitsch, Klaus Meerholz, Thomas Fischer, Sanjay Mathur, and Yoichi Ando
16:30 |
FM 63.21 |
Recovering the homogeneous absorption of SiV−-ensemble — •Anna Breunig, Ohr Lahad, Johannes Görlitz, Eilon Poem, Ofer Firstenberg, and Christoph Becher
16:30 |
FM 63.22 |
Anomalous and topological Hall effect in magnetically doped topological insulator thin films — •Gertjan Lippertz, Andrea Bliesener, Alexey Taskin, Lino Pereira, and Yoichi Ando
16:30 |
FM 63.23 |
Selective area growth of topological insulator nanowires by molecular beam epitaxy — •Andrea Bliesener, Gertjan Lippertz, Oliver Breunig, Alexey Taskin, and Yoichi Ando