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FM: Fall Meeting
FM 75: Quantum Computation: Simulation II
FM 75.7: Talk
Thursday, September 26, 2019, 15:30–15:45, 1010
Simulating non-equilibrium two-electron transfer on a noisy quantum computer — •Sabine Tornow — Munich University of Applied Sciences, Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, Lothstrasse 64, 80335 Munich, Germany
We simulate the dynamics of two correlated electrons modeled by a two-site Hubbard model on a noisy quantum computer. To enable practical implementation we study the influence of both, algorithmic (e.g., the number of Trotter steps) and physical errors (e.g., gate errors and decoherence). Further, different error mitigation techniques such as extrapolation to the zero noise limit are applied. We find good agreement to our earlier results (S. Tornow, R. Bulla, F. Anders, A. Nitzan, Phys. Rev. B 78, 035434 (2008)).