Freiburg 2019 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
FM 77: Quantum Networks: Platforms and Components II
Donnerstag, 26. September 2019, 14:00–15:45, 1098
14:00 |
FM 77.1 |
Invited Talk:
Integrating Quantum Key Distribution into Telecom Networks — •James Dynes
14:30 |
FM 77.2 |
Quantum Information Applications with Single Defect Centers in 4H-SiC — •Florian Kaiser, Naoya Morioka, Roland Nagy, Matthias Niethammer, Izel Gediz, Erik Hesselmeier, Charles Babin, Matthias Widmann, Yu-Chen Chen, Roman Kolesov, Rainer Stöhr, and Jörg Wrachtrup
14:45 |
FM 77.3 |
Quantum networking tools with single atoms and single photons — •Stephan Kucera, Pascal Eich, Matthias Bock, Matthias Kreis, Jan Arenskötter, Christoph Becher, and Jürgen Eschner
15:00 |
FM 77.4 |
Evaluation of Volume Bragg Gratings as a Wavelength Division Multiplexer in Entanglement-Based Free-Space Quantum Link — •Riza Fazili and Fabian Steinlechner
15:15 |
FM 77.5 |
Ultra-compact and ultra-bright photon-pair source for QKD — •Emma Brambila, Fabian Steinlechner, and Markus Gräfe
15:30 |
FM 77.6 |
Interfacing single Erbium ions with photons at telecom wavelength — •Benjamin Merkel, Pablo Cova Fariña, Alexander Ulanowski, Lorenz Weiß, Andreas Gritsch, and Andreas Reiserer