Freiburg 2019 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
FM 8: Enabling Technologies: Sources of Quantum States of Light I
Montag, 23. September 2019, 14:00–16:00, 1010
14:00 |
FM 8.1 |
Invited Talk:
Quantum dots as sources for quantum light — •Peter Michler
14:30 |
FM 8.2 |
Deterministic integration of QDs into on-chip multimode interference couplers via in-situ electron beam lithography — Peter Schnauber, •Johannes Schall, Samir Bounouar, Jin-Dong Song, Theresa Höhne, Sven Burger, Tobias Heindel, Sven Rodt, and Stephan Reitzenstein
14:45 |
FM 8.3 |
Towards Synchronization of Photons from a SPDC Source — •Janik Wolters, Chris Müller, Gianni Buser, Roberto Mottola, Tim Kroh, Sven Ramelow, Oliver Benson, and Philipp Treutlein
15:00 |
FM 8.4 |
Photonic Quantum Gases in Microstructured Potentials for Light — •Andreas Redmann, Christian Kurtscheid, David Dung, Julian Schmitt, Frank Vewinger, and Martin Weitz
15:15 |
FM 8.5 |
Heralded dissipative preparation of nonclassical states in a Kerr oscillator — •Martin Koppenhöfer, Christoph Bruder, and Niels Lörch
15:30 |
FM 8.6 |
D-dimensional frequency-time entangled cluster states with on-chip frequency combs — •Michael Kues, Christian Reimer, Stefania Sciara, Piotr Roztocki, Mehedi Islam, Luis Romero Cortés, Yanbing Zhang, Bennet Fisher, Sébastian Loranger, Raman Kashyap, Alfonso Cino, Sai T. Chu, Brent E. Little, David J. Moss, Lucia Caspani, William J. Munro, José Azaña, and Roberto Morandotti
15:45 |
FM 8.7 |
Non-Gaussian Continuous-Variable Graph States — •Mattia Walschaers, Young-Sik Ra, Adrien Dufour, Claude Fabre, Valentina Parigi, and Nicolas Treps