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FM: Fall Meeting
FM 83: Poster: Enabling Technologies Sources of Quantum States of Light
FM 83.9: Poster
Donnerstag, 26. September 2019, 16:30–18:30, Tents
A fiber-coupled single photon source based on a single molecule — •Guilherme Stein1, Vladislav Bushmakin1, Yijun Wang1, Andreas Schell2, and Ilja Gerhardt1 — 13. Institute of Physics, University of Stuttgart and Institute for Quantum Science and Technology, IQST, Pfaffenwaldring 57, D-70569 Stuttgart — 2CEITEC, Brno University of Technology, 621 00 Brno, Czech Republic
The generation of non-classical light and single photons is a key element for many quantum communication and information schemes. Organic dye molecules under cryogenic conditions allow for the implementation of narrow-band and very bright sources [1]. The integration of single molecules into dielectric structures allows for the construction of fully integrated devices. Here we present our approach to experimentally implement a fully fiber-coupled single photon source based on a single molecule. The source utilizes a high numerical-aperture fiber, and is operated under cryogenic conditions. The source emits more than 45 000 photons per second, while the spectral width of the molecule is identified as 25 MHz. The implicit Raman background of the fiber leads to some unwanted effects. We compare the free-space excitation, where the single photon emission is solely collected through the fiber and the fiber-based excitation, in which the light to excite the molecule is supplied through the fiber.
[1] - Siyushev et al., Nature, 2014, 509, 66-70