Mon, 08:15–08:30 |
Audi Max |
S 1: Opening |
Mon, 08:30–09:30 |
Audi Max |
FM 1: Plenary Talk: Quantum Machine Learning |
Mon, 09:30–10:30 |
Audi Max |
FM 2: Introductory Talk: Quantum Algorithms |
Mon, 11:00–12:30 |
Aula |
FM 3: Special Session: Teaching Quantum Science |
Mon, 11:00–12:00 |
2006 |
FM 4: Focus Talk: Quantum Simulation |
Mon, 13:00–14:00 |
Aula |
FM 5: Lunch Talk: Experiments for Teaching QM |
Mon, 14:00–16:00 |
Aula |
FM 6: Panel Discussion: Teaching Quantum Science |
Mon, 14:00–16:00 |
1009 |
FM 7: Secure Communication & Computation I |
Mon, 14:00–16:00 |
1010 |
FM 8: Enabling Technologies: Sources of Quantum States of Light I |
Mon, 14:00–15:45 |
1098 |
FM 9: Quantum Networks: Platforms and Components I |
Mon, 14:00–15:45 |
1199 |
FM 10: Topology: Artificial Systems |
Mon, 14:00–16:00 |
2004 |
FM 11: Entanglement: Many-Body States I |
Mon, 14:00–16:00 |
2006 |
FM 12: Quantum Sensing: Hardware Platforms |
Mon, 14:00–16:00 |
3042 |
FM 13: Open and Complex Quantum Systems I |
Mon, 14:00–16:00 |
3044 |
FM 14: Quantum Computation: Hardware Platforms I |
Mon, 16:00–16:30 |
1114 |
FM 15: Poster: Teaching Quantum Science |
Mon, 16:30–18:30 |
Aula |
FM 16: Teaching Quantum Science |
Mon, 16:30–18:15 |
1010 |
FM 17: Quantum Computation: Simulation I |
Mon, 16:30–18:30 |
1015 |
FM 18: Quantum Networks: Interfaces & Hybrid Systems |
Mon, 16:30–18:30 |
1199 |
FM 19: Topology: Majoranas |
Mon, 16:30–18:30 |
2004 |
FM 20: Entanglement: Many-Body States II |
Mon, 16:30–18:15 |
2006 |
FM 21: Quantum Computation: Algorithms |
Mon, 16:30–18:15 |
3042 |
FM 22: Quantum Control |
Mon, 16:30–18:30 |
3043 |
FM 23: Quantum & Information Science: Neural Networks, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence I |
Mon, 16:30–18:30 |
3044 |
FM 24: Quantum Sensing: Entanglement and Beyond Shot Noise |
Mon, 20:00–22:00 |
Mensa |
S 2: Welcome Evening |
Tue, 08:30–09:30 |
Audi Max |
FM 25: Plenary Talk: Ion Trap based Quantum Computing |
Tue, 09:30–10:30 |
Audi Max |
FM 26: Introductory Talk: Machine Learning |
Tue, 10:30–18:30 |
Tents |
S 3: Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and Literature |
Tue, 11:00–13:00 |
Audi Max |
FM 27: Special Session: Quantum Networks |
Tue, 11:00–12:00 |
2006 |
FM 28: Focus Talk: Quantum Spectroscopy |
Tue, 12:30–13:45 |
2006 |
FM 29: Lunch Talk: Funding for Quantum Projects |
Tue, 14:00–16:00 |
Institute of Physics |
S 3a: Lab tour at the Institute of Physics |
Tue, 14:00–16:00 |
Aula |
FM 30: Quantum Sensing: Applications I |
Tue, 14:00–15:45 |
1009 |
FM 31: Secure Communication & Computation II |
Tue, 14:00–16:00 |
1010 |
FM 32: Enabling Technologies: Sources of Quantum States of Light II |
Tue, 14:00–16:00 |
1015 |
FM 33: Quantum Networks: Concepts & Applications |
Tue, 14:00–15:15 |
1199 |
FM 34: Topology: Solid State Systems |
Tue, 14:00–16:00 |
2004 |
FM 35: Entanglement: Many-Body Dynamics I |
Tue, 14:00–16:15 |
2006 |
FM 36: Quantum Computation: Benchmarking and Certification |
Tue, 14:00–16:00 |
3042 |
FM 37: Open and Complex Quantum Systems II |
Tue, 14:00–16:15 |
3043 |
FM 38: Enabling Technologies: Quantum Dots, Quantum Wires, Point Contacts and Excitonic Systems |
Tue, 14:00–16:00 |
3044 |
FM 39: Quantum Computation: Hardware Platforms II |
Tue, 16:30–18:30 |
Tents |
FM 40: Poster: Quantum Computation: Hardware Platforms |
Tue, 16:30–18:30 |
Tents |
FM 41: Poster: Quantum Sensing |
Tue, 16:30–18:30 |
Tents |
FM 42: Poster: Quantum Computation |
Tue, 18:30–20:00 |
Aula |
FM 43: Networking event of the Working Group on Industry and Business (AIW) with free beer and pretzels, including the BMBF award ceremony of the “Quantum Futur Award 2019” |
Tue, 20:00–21:00 |
Audi Max |
FM 44: Outreach: Einstein-Slam |
Tue, 21:00–23:00 |
Audi Max (in front of) |
S 4: jDPG Pub Crawl |
Wed, 08:30–09:30 |
Audi Max |
FM 45: Plenary Talk: Industry |
Wed, 09:30–10:30 |
Audi Max |
FM 46: Introductory Talk: Quantum Sensing |
Wed, 10:30–18:30 |
Tents |
S 5: Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and Literature |
Wed, 11:00–13:00 |
Aula |
FM 47: Industry I: Photonics |
Wed, 11:00–12:00 |
2006 |
FM 48: Focus Talk: Quantum Memories & Interfaces |
Wed, 12:30–13:45 |
2006 |
FM 49: Lunch Talk: Centers of Quantum Information Science |
Wed, 13:15–13:55 |
Audi Max |
FM 50: Lunch Talk: Awards and Challenges |
Wed, 14:00–16:15 |
Fraunhofer Institutes IPM and ISE |
S 5a: Lab tour at the Fraunhofer Institutes for Physical Measurement Technology (IPM) and Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE) |
Wed, 14:00–16:00 |
Aula |
FM 51: Industry II: Computing |
Wed, 14:00–15:15 |
1009 |
FM 52: Entanglement: Transport |
Wed, 14:00–16:00 |
1010 |
FM 53: Enabling Technologies: Sources of Quantum States of Light III |
Wed, 14:00–16:00 |
1015 |
FM 54: Quantum Networks: Quantum Memory and Gates |
Wed, 14:00–15:30 |
1098 |
FM 55: Quantum & Information Science: Neural Networks, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence II |
Wed, 14:00–16:00 |
2004 |
FM 56: Entanglement: Many-Body Dynamics II |
Wed, 14:00–16:00 |
2006 |
FM 57: Quantum Sensing: Spectroscopy I |
Wed, 14:00–16:00 |
3042 |
FM 58: Quantum Information Concepts in Thermodynamics |
Wed, 14:00–16:00 |
3043 |
FM 59: Enabling Technologies: Quantum Dots and Superconductivity-based Systems |
Wed, 14:00–15:45 |
3044 |
FM 60: Quantum Computation: Fault Tolerance & Error Correction |
Wed, 16:30–18:30 |
Aula |
FM 61: Industry III: The Future of High Performance Computing (Presentations plus Panel Discussion) |
Wed, 16:30–18:30 |
Tents |
FM 62: Poster: Open and Complex Quantum Systems |
Wed, 16:30–18:30 |
Tents |
FM 63: Poster: Enabling Technologies: Quantum Materials, Quantum Dots, Quantum Wires, Point Contacts and Superconducting Systems |
Wed, 16:30–18:30 |
Tents |
FM 64: Poster: Topology |
Wed, 16:30–18:30 |
Tents |
FM 65: Poster: Quantum & Information Science |
Wed, 16:30–18:30 |
Tents |
FM 66: Poster: Entanglement |
Wed, 19:30–21:00 |
Audi Max |
FM 67: Outreach: Public panel discussion (fishbowl format) |
Thu, 08:30–09:30 |
Audi Max |
FM 68: Plenary Talk: Silicon Based Quantum Computing |
Thu, 09:30–10:30 |
Audi Max |
FM 69: Introductory Talk: Hybrid Quantum Computation Platform |
Thu, 10:30–18:30 |
Tents |
S 6: Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and Literature |
Thu, 10:30–11:00 |
Audi Max |
S 6a: Group Photo |
Thu, 11:00–13:00 |
Audi Max |
FM 70: Special Session: Topology |
Thu, 11:00–12:00 |
2006 |
FM 71: Focus Talk: Quantum Control |
Thu, 12:30–13:45 |
2006 |
FM 72: Lunch Talk: Start-ups |
Thu, 14:00–15:40 |
Fraunhofer Institute IAF |
S 6b: Lab tour at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solid State Physics (IAF) |
Thu, 14:00–16:00 |
Aula |
FM 73: Quantum Sensing: Applications & Spectroscopy |
Thu, 14:00–15:30 |
1009 |
FM 74: Secure Communication & Computation III |
Thu, 14:00–15:45 |
1010 |
FM 75: Quantum Computation: Simulation II |
Thu, 14:00–15:30 |
1015 |
FM 76: Entanglement: Spectroscopy |
Thu, 14:00–15:45 |
1098 |
FM 77: Quantum Networks: Platforms and Components II |
Thu, 14:00–15:30 |
1199 |
FM 78: Quantum Computation: Hardware Platform III |
Thu, 14:00–15:15 |
2004 |
FM 79: Entanglement: Neural Networks for Many-Body Dynamics |
Thu, 14:00–16:00 |
2006 |
FM 80: Enabling Technologies: Cavity QED |
Thu, 14:00–16:00 |
3042 |
FM 81: Enabling Technologies: Quantum Materials |
Thu, 14:00–15:45 |
3044 |
FM 82: Quantum & Information Science: Neural Networks, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence III |
Thu, 16:30–18:30 |
Tents |
FM 83: Poster: Enabling Technologies Sources of Quantum States of Light |
Thu, 16:30–18:30 |
Tents |
FM 84: Poster: Quantum Networks |
Thu, 16:30–18:30 |
Tents |
FM 85: Poster: Enabling Technologies: Cavity QED |
Thu, 16:30–18:30 |
Tents |
FM 86: Poster: Secure Communication & Computation |
Thu, 19:30–21:00 |
Audi Max |
FM 87: Outreach: Public science evening |
Fri, 08:30–09:30 |
Audi Max |
FM 88: Plenary Talk: Extreme Entanglement |
Fri, 09:30–10:30 |
Audi Max |
FM 89: Introductory Talk: Quantum Light Sources |
Fri, 11:00–13:00 |
Audi Max |
FM 90: Special Session: Quantum Physics for AI & AI for Quantum Physics |
Fri, 11:00–13:00 |
2006 |
FM 91: Special Session: Quantum Information Concepts in Astrophysics |