München 2019 – scientific programme
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AKBP: Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik
AKBP 7: Hadron Accelerators and Colliders
AKBP 7.1: Talk
Tuesday, March 19, 2019, 14:00–14:15, HS 7
Target Concept for a Compact Laboratory Scale Accelerator Driven High Brilliance Neutron Source — •Paul-Emmanuel Doege1, Johannes Baggemann1, Tobias Cronert1, Thomas Gutberlet1, Eric Mauerhofer1, Ulrich Rücker1, Jörg Voigt1, Yannick Bessler2, Jörg Wolters2, Sarah Böhm3, Jingnig Li3, Ghaleb Natour2, and Thomas Brückel1 — 1JCNS, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany — 2ZEA-1, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany — 3NET, RWTH-Aachen, Germany
In the framework of the High Brilliance Neutron Source Project - HBS, novel accelerator driven neutron sources are in development. They are intended to be employed in a variety of fields, such as neutron scattering, imaging and activation analysis. Due to the scalable, modular approach, sources replacing todays medium flux reactor facilities, as well as laboratory sources for universities or industry will be possible to realize. The neutron production of these sources is based on nuclear reactions, which are taking place when ions of hydrogen isotopes with an energy well below the spallation threshold energy are impinging on a suitable target material. The target assembly and the cooling circuit need to be adapted to the projectile energy and the beam current. A target assembly for 10 MeV protons and an average beam power of 400 W, which was conceived for a laboratory scale facility, will be presented here.