München 2019 – scientific programme
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AKBP: Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik
AKBP 9: Electron Accelerators
AKBP 9.2: Talk
Tuesday, March 19, 2019, 16:45–17:00, HS 7
Commissioning of the Third Recirculation Beam Line of the S-DALINAC* — •M. Arnold, T. Bahlo, R. Grewe, L. Jürgensen, N. Pietralla, M. Steinhorst, and S. Weih — IKP, TU Darmstadt
The S-DALINAC was set into full operation in 1991 as a twice-recirculating SC-RF linac for electrons with a maximum design energy of 130 MeV. The maximum energy reached so far in cw operation was 85 MeV. This limit was set by the maximum cooling power of the cryoplant and the SRF cavities with a lower than expected quality factor. Therefore, the accelerating gradients must be limited to match the dissipated power to the available cooling power. A fourth passage of the beam through the accelerator increases its energy reach. To that end a third recirculation beam line was installed in 2015/2016. The energy gain of the main accelerator can be kept constant while keeping the accelerating gradients, and thus the dissipated power, low at the same time. It was necessary to modify major parts of the lattice. The new beam line features a path-length adjustment system capable of a change of the beam phase of up to 360°. The S-DALINAC can now be operated in single pass, once- or thrice-recirculating and once- or twice recirculating ERL mode. Single pass, once- and thrice recirculating mode as well as the once-recirculating ERL mode have been successfully demonstrated, already. First data on the twice-recirculating ERL mode have recently been taken, too. This contribution will give an overview on the commissioning of the modified S-DALINAC.
*Work supported by DFG through GRK 2128.