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EP 9.1 |
The Elementary Particle of Dark Matter Forming the Gosset Lattice — •Ole Rademacker and Hans-Otto Carmesin
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EP 9.2 |
A Numerical Study of the Solution of the Horizon Problem and of the Flatness Problem — •Lennert Sprenger and Hans-Otto Carmesin
16:30 |
EP 9.3 |
Numerical Investigation of the Emergence of Dark Energy and the Time Evolution of the Hubble Constant — •Paul Brüning and Hans-Otto Carmesin
16:30 |
EP 9.4 |
Der Beitrag wurde abgesagt (Dopplung mit AGPhil 1.3).
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EP 9.5 |
Unveiling cosmic voids in large-scale structure surveys: the impact of tracer bias — •Giorgia Pollina
16:30 |
EP 9.6 |
Monte-Carlo modeling of uncertainties in the detection of plumes on Europa with the Hubble Space Telescope — •Stephan Schlegel, Joachim Saur, and Lorenz Roth
16:30 |
EP 9.7 |
MHD simulation of rotating insulator planets' magnetospheres — •Justus Sagemüller and Joachim Saur
16:30 |
EP 9.8 |
Paleomagnetospheric Modelling of the Hermean Magnetosphere — •Daniel Heyner
16:30 |
EP 9.9 |
Flux rope formation by a confined solar flare preceding a coronal mass ejection — •Bernhard Kliem, Jeongwoo Lee, Rui Liu, Stephen M. White, Chang Liu, and Satoshi Masuda
16:30 |
EP 9.10 |
Parametric study of torus instability threshold — •Jun Chen, Bernhard Kliem, and Rui Liu
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EP 9.11 |
FitCoPI: Fitting density and temperature of coronal active region plasma in 3D from single vantage point observations — •Stephan Barra
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EP 9.12 |
Untersuchung über die Sensitivität von SOHO/EPHIN auf solare Röntgenflares — •Stefan Jensen, Patrick Kühl, Andreas Klassen und Bernd Heber
16:30 |
EP 9.13 |
Thermal Atmospheric Neutron Observation System — •Friederike Schattke, Marc Hansen, Patrick Pohland, Lisa Romaneehsen, Jonas Zumkeller, Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber, and Bernd Heber
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EP 9.14 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
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EP 9.15 |
Thermal Atmospheric Neutron Observation System Junior Calibration — •Patrick Pohland, Friederike Schattke, Marc Hansen, Jonas Zumkeller, Lisa Romaneehsen, Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber, and Bernd Heber
16:30 |
EP 9.16 |
Observations of charge sign dependent modulation of galactic cosmic rays during four successive solar cycles — •Bernd Heber, Marlon Koeberle, Patrick Kuehl, and Johannes Marquardt
16:30 |
EP 9.17 |
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EP 9.18 |
The effects of stellar activity on orbiting planets — •ADriana Valio
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EP 9.19 |
A Laboratory for Rapid Space Missions — •Martin J. Losekamm, Laura Fabbietti, and Stephan Paul
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EP 9.20 |
The ORCA detector — •Christian Steigies, Juan José Blanco, Óscar García-Población, José Medina, Ignacio García-Tejedor, Manuel Prieto, Sindulfo Ayuso, Raúl Gómez-Herrero, Juan Antonio Garzón, Almudena Gomis, Victor Villasante-Marcos, Marcos Seco, Anna Morozova, Georgy Kornakov, Teresa Kurtukian, Alberto Blanco, Bernd Heber, Helena Krüger, and Du Toit Strauss
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EP 9.21 |
Statistical properties of material line elements in incompressible MHD turbulence — •Philipp Hess, Oliver Henze, and Wolf-Christian Müller
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EP 9.22 |
Investigation of topology-driven magnetic reconnection with CWENO finite volume numerics — •Raquel Mäusle, Jean-Mathieu Teissier, and Wolf-Christian Müller
16:30 |
EP 9.23 |
A linear slit coronagraph combined with a high resolution partailly multiplexed imaging spectrometer — •Adalbert M. Ding and Shadia R. Habbal
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EP 9.24 |
NO production in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere during a geomagnetic storm in April 2010 — •Miriam Sinnhuber and Stefan Bender
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EP 9.25 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.