München 2019 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
GR 14: Poster Session (posters are permanently on display)
Donnerstag, 21. März 2019, 16:30–18:30, HS 6
16:30 |
GR 14.1 |
Relativistic Interactive Flight Simulation — •Stephan Preiß
16:30 |
GR 14.2 |
Flying around and through a rotating black hole -- Visualizations — •Thomas Reiber
16:30 |
GR 14.3 |
Simulation of the general-relativistic light deflection with a plastic lens — •Volker Perlick and Claus Lämmerzahl
16:30 |
GR 14.4 |
Geodesic equations for the Reissner-Nordström (anti-)de Sitter black hole surrounded by different kinds of regular and exotic matter fields — Anik Rudra, •Kai Flathmann, Arindam Chatterjee, and Hemwati Nandan
16:30 |
GR 14.5 |
Quantum mechanics in non-inertial frames — •André Großardt
16:30 |
GR 14.6 |
Quantum electrodynamics with area-metric deviations from a metric — •Roberto Tanzi
16:30 |
GR 14.7 |
Quantum-improved Schwarzschild-(A)dS and Kerr-(A)dS Spacetimes — •Dennis Stock and Jan M. Pawlowski
16:30 |
GR 14.8 |
Off-equatorial orbits as a violation of No-hair theorem — •Leonardo A. Pachon, Andres F. Gutierrez, and Juan L. Restrepo
16:30 |
GR 14.9 |
Frame Dragging Suppresses Astrophysical Chaos around Compact Objects — •Leonardo A. Pachon and Andres F. Gutierrez
16:30 |
GR 14.10 |
The AEI 10 m prototype interferometer — •Philip Koch
16:30 |
GR 14.11 |
Investigation towards fibre-based squeezed light injection into gravitational wave detectors — •Joscha Heinze
16:30 |
GR 14.12 |
Coating Thermal Noise Interferometer for the AEI 10m Prototype — •Janis Wöhler
16:30 |
GR 14.13 |
Active seismic isolation for the AEI 10 m prototype interferometer — •Robin Kirchhoff
16:30 |
GR 14.14 |
Mirror suspensions to reduce seismic noise of the AEI 10m prototype interferometer — •Johannes Lehmann
16:30 |
GR 14.15 |
Interferometer to measure temperature-dependent angular tilts and mode matching of fiber couplers — •Juliane von Wrangel
16:30 |
GR 14.16 |
Pre-Stabilized Laser System for Ground Based Gravitational Wave Detectors — •Fabian Meylahn and Benno Willke
16:30 |
GR 14.17 |
Relevance of tidal effects and post-merger dynamics for binary neutron star parameter estimation — •reetika dudi, francesco pannarale, tim dietrich, mark hannam, sebastiano bernuzzi, frank ohme, and bernd bruegmann
16:30 |
GR 14.18 |
The Question of Dark Energy — •Albrecht Giese
16:30 |
GR 14.19 |
What is Dark Matter? — •Albrecht Giese
16:30 |
GR 14.20 |
Time dilation and length contraction — •Osvaldo Domann
16:30 |
GR 14.21 |
Possible experimental proof of Lorentz interpretation (LI) of GRT - further arguments — •Jürgen Brandes
16:30 |
GR 14.22 |
Quantum gravity without additional theory - Compatibility of Schwarzschild metric and quantum mechanics — •René Friedrich