München 2019 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
GR 8: Quantum Cosmology and Quantum Gravity I
Mittwoch, 20. März 2019, 14:00–16:15, HS 4
14:00 |
GR 8.1 |
Loop quantum cosmology, signature change, and the no- boundary proposal — •Martin Bojowald
14:45 |
GR 8.2 |
Singularity Avoidance of the Quantum LTB Model for Gravitational Collapse — •Tim Schmitz and Claus Kiefer
15:00 |
GR 8.3 |
Gauge Fixing and the Semiclassical Interpretation of Quantum Cosmology — •Leonardo Chataignier
15:15 |
GR 8.4 |
Dynamical Properties of the Mukhanov-Sasaki Hamiltonian — •Michael Kobler, Kristina Giesel, and Max Joseph Fahn
15:30 |
GR 8.5 |
Dynamics of Dirac observables in canonical cosmological perturbation theory — •David Winnekens and Kristina Giesel
15:45 |
GR 8.6 |
Ramsey Gravity Resonance Spectrosopy with Ultracold Neutrons as a Tool to Probe the Dark Sector — •René Sedmik, Joachim Bosina, Peter Geltenbort, Andrei Ivanov, Tobias Jenke, Jakob Micko, Mario Pitschmann, Tobias Rechberger, Martin Thalhammer, and Hartmut Abele
16:00 |
GR 8.7 |
Post-Newtonian corrections to Schrödinger equations in gravitational fields — •Philip Schwartz and Domenico Giulini