14:00 |
HK 36.1 |
Group Report:
Investigation of the dipole response in atomic nuclei in different mass regions using photon scattering experiments — •J. Wilhelmy, P. Erbacher, J. Isaak, B. Löher, M. Müscher, D. Savran, P. Scholz, R. Schwengner, M. Spieker, W. Tornow, and A. Zilges
14:30 |
HK 36.2 |
Bestimmung von Paritätsquantenzahlen von Dipolzuständen des Isotops 142Ce — •J. Sieber, T. Beck, S. Finch, U. Gayer, J. Isaak, R. Janssens, J. Kleemann, FNU Krishichayan, M. Müscher, O. Papst, N. Pietralla, D. Savran, W. Tornow, V. Werner und J. Wilhelmy
14:45 |
HK 36.3 |
Dipole strength of 164Dy below the neutron separation threshold — •O. Papst, V. Werner, N. Pietralla, T. Beck, J. Beller, C. Bernards, M. Bhike, N. Cooper, B. P. Crider, U. Gayer, J. Isaak, J. Kleemann, FNU Krishichayan, B. Löher, F. Naqvi, E. E. Peters, F. M. Prados-Estevez, R. S. Ilieva, T. J. Ross, D. Savran, M. Scheck, W. Tornow, J. R. Vanhoy, S. W. Yates, and M. Zweidinger
15:00 |
HK 36.4 |
Investigation of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance in 120,124Sn using the combined γ-ray and particle spectrometers CAGRA and Grand Raiden — •M. Weinert for the CAGRA collaboration
15:15 |
HK 36.5 |
Multi-messenger investigation of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance in 140Ce — •D. Savran, V. Derya, S. Bagchi, J. Endres, M.N. Harakeh, J. Isaak, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, E.G. Lanza, B. Löher, A. Najafi, S. Pascu, S.G. Pickstone, N. Pietralla, V.Yu. Ponomarec, C. Rigollet, C. Romig, M. Spieker, A. Vitturi, and A. Zilges
15:30 |
HK 36.6 |
Studying the Pygmy Dipole Resonance in 90Zr in a (p,p’γ) experiment — •M. Steffan, A. Bohn, V. Everwyn, M. Färber, F. Kluwig, M. Müscher, S. G. Pickstone, S. Prill, P. Scholz, M. Weinert, J. Wilhelmy, and A. Zilges
15:45 |
HK 36.7 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.