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HK: Fachverband Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 37: Structure and Dynamics of Nuclei VII
HK 37.3: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 20. März 2019, 14:45–15:00, HS 16
Electroweak currents from chiral EFT in few-nucleon systems — •Rodric Seutin1,2,3, Sebastian König1,2, Kai Hebeler1,2, and Achim Schwenk1,2,3 — 1Institut für Kernphysik, Technische Universität Darmstadt — 2ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH — 3Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg
Using chiral EFT one is able to construct current operators at the many-body level. As a result of this, it is guaranteed that the current operators can be evaluated consistently with the appropriate nuclear wave functions, obtained as well from chiral interactions. This consistency is a key advantage of the EFT framework. In this talk, we discuss the development of electroweak currents in few-nucleon systems and their applications to electromagnetic form factors as well as electroweak transitions in light nuclei. In particular we look at triton and helium-3.
* This work is supported by the IMPRS-PTFS and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) - Projektnummer 279384907 - SFB 1245.