München 2019 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
K 2: Light and Radiation Sources, EUV and X-Ray Sources
Dienstag, 19. März 2019, 11:00–12:40, HS 3
11:00 |
K 2.1 |
Robust difference frequency generation scheme tunable from 6 to 16 µm circumventing spatial beam offset from angular phase-matching — •Florian Mörz, Tobias Steinle, Heiko Linnenbank, Andy Steinmann, and Harald Giessen
11:20 |
K 2.2 |
Surface-emitting semiconductor light sources with in-plane micro-mirrors — •Bruno Jentzsch, Alvaro Gomez-Iglesias, Alexander Tonkikh, and Bernd Witzigmann
11:40 |
K 2.3 |
Spatial Characterization of Intense Synthesized Sub-Cycle Pulses — •Fabian Scheiba, Giulio Maria Rossi, Roland E. Mainz, Yudong Yang, Miguel Silva, Giovanni Cirmi, and Franz X. Kärtner
12:00 |
K 2.4 |
Relative timing jitter measurement at MHz Free Electron Lasers — •Michael Diez, Andreas Galler, Sebastian Schulz, Wojciech Gawelda, and Christian Bressler
12:20 |
K 2.5 |
Imaging of ultrafst demagnetization using high-harmonic radiation — •Sergey Zayko, Ofer Kfir, Michael Heigl, Michael Lohmann, Murat Sivis, Manfred Albrecht, and Claus Ropers