München 2019 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MP 8: Quanteninformation und Kontrolle
Mittwoch, 20. März 2019, 14:00–16:10, HS 23
14:00 |
MP 8.1 |
Quantum Marginals, Entanglement, and Symmetries — •Michael Walter
14:40 |
MP 8.2 |
Exploring the Limits of Quantum Dynamics – I: Lie-Algebraic Frame and Recent Results — •Thomas Schulte-Herbrüggen, Frederik vom Ende, Gunther Dirr, and Michael Keyl
15:00 |
10 Minuten Pause
15:10 |
MP 8.3 |
Exploring the Limits of Quantum Dynamics - II: Markovian Reachability — •Frederik vom Ende, Gunther Dirr, and Thomas Schulte-Herbrüggen
15:30 |
MP 8.4 |
Quantum control in infinite dimensions and Banach-Lie algebras — •Michael Keyl
15:50 |
MP 8.5 |
Entanglement properties of USp⊗USp symmetric states — •Zoltán Zimborás, Michael Keyl, Thomas Schulte-Herbrüggen, and Robert Zeier