München 2019 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
P 16: Low Pressure Plasmas II
Donnerstag, 21. März 2019, 11:00–12:25, HS 21
11:00 |
P 16.1 |
Velocity distribution of titanium neutrals in the target region of high power impulse magnetron sputtering discharges — •Julian Held, Ante Hecimovic, Achim von Keudell, and Volker Schulz-von der Gathen
11:25 |
P 16.2 |
Plasma chemical studies of nitrocarburizing plasmas with a carbon active screen in industrial and laboratory reactors — •Alexander Puth, Stephan Hamann, Lukas Kusýn, Igor Burlacov, Anke Dalke, Horst Biermann, Jürgen Röpcke, and Jean-Pierre van Helden
11:40 |
P 16.3 |
Study of particle transport above the target in high power impulse magnetron sputtering plasmas using a marker technique — •Sascha Thiemann-Monjé, Marc Sackers, and Achim von Keudell
11:55 |
P 16.4 |
Separated effects of plasma particle species during surface activation — •Beatrix Biskup, Marc Böke, Jan Benedikt, and Achim von Keudell
12:10 |
P 16.5 |
Directionally resolved characterization of momentum transfer during sputter processes — •Mathis Klette, Thomas Trottenberg, Manuel Maas, and Holger Kersten