16:30 |
P 18.1 |
Modeling and Study of a Remote Plasma Source for High-rate Etching — •Steffen Pauly, Andreas Schulz, Matthias Walker, Bernhard Schmid, Günter Tovar, and Klaus Baumgärtner
16:30 |
P 18.2 |
A Synthetic Doppler Reflectometry Diagnostic For Fusion Plasma Turbulence — •Carsten Lechte, Garrard Conway, Tobias Görler, Tim Happel, Kevin Schöbel, and The ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:30 |
P 18.3 |
Improvement of the Sauter model for the bootstrap current in tokamaks — •Andreas Redl, Clemente Angioni, Emily Belli, Olivier Sauter, and Hartmut Zohm
16:30 |
P 18.4 |
"PICLS" - Development of a Gyrokinetic Particle-in-cell code for the scrape-off layer — •Mathias Boesl, Andreas Bergmann, Alberto Bottino, David Coster, and Frank Jenko
16:30 |
P 18.5 |
Towards Gyrokinetic Turbulence in the Scrape-Off Layer with GENE — •Dominik Michels, Paul Crandall, Denis Jarema, Maurice Maurer, Alejandro Banon Navarro, and Frank Jenko
16:30 |
P 18.6 |
A new relativistic interaction model for 2D and 3D Wigner crystals in a plasma bubble — •Lars Reichwein, Johannes Thomas, and Alexander Pukhov
16:30 |
P 18.7 |
Hydrodynamic description for the dynamic structure factor of a strongly coupled Yukawa plasma — •Hanno Kählert
16:30 |
P 18.8 |
Parallel Low-Rank Vlasov Simulations — •Florian Allmann-Rahn, Katharina Kormann, and Rainer Grauer
16:30 |
P 18.9 |
Combination of retarding field analyzer and calorimetric probe for diagnostics of an ion beam source — •Felix Georg, Thomas Trottenberg, and Holger Kersten
16:30 |
P 18.10 |
Measurements with optical tweezers in the sheath of a CCP discharge and the effect of UV irradiation on the charge of SiO2 microparticles. — •Viktor Schneider and Holger Kersten
16:30 |
P 18.11 |
Measurements of the H (n = 2) Density via Laser Absorption Spectroscopy — •Frederik Merk, Roland Friedl, Caecilia Fröhler, Stefan Briefi, and Ursel Fantz
16:30 |
P 18.12 |
Control of size, crystallinity and structure of Si-nanoparticles synthesized in a capacitively coupled low-pressure plasma — •Oguz Han Asnaz, Gesa Wieck, Torben Dankwort, and Jan Benedikt
16:30 |
P 18.13 |
Diagnostic of a Process Plasma used for the Production of Memristive Devices — •Julia Cipo, Sven Gauter, Felix Georg, Finn Zahari, Thomas Mussenbrock, Holger Kersten, and Hermann Kohlstedt
16:30 |
P 18.14 |
On the energetic electrons in the INCA discharge — Philipp Ahr, •Tsanko Vaskov Tsankov, and Uwe Czarnetzki
16:30 |
P 18.15 |
Phase resolved optical emission spectroscopy of a radio frequency discharge supported by Langmuir probe measurements — •Sören Wohlfahrt, Franko Greiner, Judith Golda, and Jan Benedikt
16:30 |
P 18.16 |
Simulation of particle and photon fluxes in low-pressure plasmas for sterilisation applications: scaling and spatial distribution — •Andrew R. Gibson, Marcel Fiebrandt, and Peter Awakowicz
16:30 |
P 18.17 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
16:30 |
P 18.18 |
First Experiments on Dusty Plasmas in the D-Mag Magnet — •Andre Melzer, Matthias Mulsow, Harald Krüger, Stefan Schütt, and Michael Himpel
16:30 |
P 18.19 |
Configurational temperatures: a novel approach to dusty plasmas — •Michael Himpel and André Melzer
16:30 |
P 18.20 |
Measurement of photophoretic forces in binary complex plasmas — •Frank Wieben and Dietmar Block
16:30 |
P 18.21 |
Setup and Calibration of a Rotating Compensator Polarimeter for the Particle Size Diagnostic of Nanodusty Plasmas — •Tabea Gleiter, Andreas Petersen, and Franko Greiner
16:30 |
P 18.22 |
Ekoplasma - Complex Plasma Research in Space — •C. A. Knapek, P. Huber, D. P. Mohr, E. Zähringer, V. I. Molotkov, A. M. Lipaev, U. Konopka, V. Naumkin, and H. M. Thomas
16:30 |
P 18.23 |
Temporal evolution of the electron density of a nanosecond discharge in destilled water — •Katharina Grosse, Julian Held, and Achim von Keudell
16:30 |
P 18.24 |
Properties of Nanodust Clouds in Reactive Argon Acetylene Plasmas for Open and Closed Electrode Geometries — •Alexander Schmitz, Oguz Han Asnaz, and Franko Greiner
16:30 |
P 18.25 |
Characterization of filamentary instabilities in a magnetized RF discharge — •Tim Donders, Hendrik Jung, and Franko Greiner
16:30 |
P 18.26 |
Mie ellipsometry of optically thick nanodust clouds — •Nils Rehbehn, Sebastian Wolf, and Franko Greiner
16:30 |
P 18.27 |
Pulsed rf-Discharge in Zyflex-Chamber — •Peter Huber, Christina A. Knapek, Daniel P. Mohr, Erich Zaehringer, Andrey M. Lipaev, Vladimir I. Molotkov, Hubertus M. Thomas, and Vladmir E. Fortov
16:30 |
P 18.28 |
Acoustical interactions of gas discharges — •Daniel Kotschate, Mate Gaal, Luka Hansen, and Holger Kersten
16:30 |
P 18.29 |
Plasma arcing during contact separation of HVDC relays — •Crispin Masahudu Ewuntomah and Jens Oberrath
16:30 |
P 18.30 |
Investigation of a microwave plasma torch for CO2 gas conversion — •Irina Kistner, Andreas Schulz, Matthias Walker, Günter Tovar, Frederic Buck, and Thomas Schiestel
16:30 |
P 18.31 |
Characterization of charge distributions on dielectrics due to atmospheric-pressure plasma discharges — •Eric Andersen, Sven Kraft, Regina Lange, Ingo Barke, Sylvia Speller, and Ronny Brandenburg
16:30 |
P 18.32 |
Studies of an atmospheric-pressure dielectric barrier discharge in Ar-HMDSO mixtures — •D. Loffhagen, M. M. Becker, D. Hegemann, B. Nisol, S. Watson, M. R. Wertheimer, and C.-P. Klages
16:30 |
P 18.33 |
How the description of electron transport affects the results of microplasma modelling — •Margarita Baeva, Detlef Loffhagen, Markus M. Becker, and Dirk Uhrlandt
16:30 |
P 18.34 |
Experimental and modelling studies of the temperature distribution in a microwave plasma torch and on a deposition target — •Margarita Baeva, Frank Hempel, Ralf Methling, Detlef Loffhagen, Tom Trautvetter, Hardy Baierl, and Rüdiger Foest
16:30 |
P 18.35 |
Investigation of Surface Modifications Caused by Plasma Treatment — •Sandra Moritz, Janosch J. Perlbach, Joachim Sann, Markus Göttlicher, and Markus H. Thoma
16:30 |
P 18.36 |
The Influence of Electrical Properties of Wood on Dielectric Barrier Discharge plasma treatments at atmospheric conditions — •Bahram Mahdavipour, Sebastian Dahle, and Jens Oberrath
16:30 |
P 18.37 |
Numerical study of the transport phenomena for an atmospheric-pressure plasma jet in contact with liquid — •I. L. Semenov, K.-D. Weltmann, and D. Loffhagen
16:30 |
P 18.38 |
Phase-resolved study of plasma filaments occurring in an RF plasma jet — •Florian Sigeneger, Jan Schäfer, Rüdiger Foest, and Detelf Loffhagen
16:30 |
P 18.39 |
Characterisation of a 2.45 GHz microwave atmospheric pressure plasma torch in N2 and CO2 — •Federico Antonio D’Isa, Ante Hecimovic, Emile Carbone, Ursel Fantz, Irina Kistner, Andreas Schulz, and Matthias Walker
16:30 |
P 18.40 |
Comparison of the OH A-X emission spectra for several different plasma sources — •Roland Friedl, Caecilia Fröhler, David Rauner, Nicole Baar, and Ursel Fantz
16:30 |
P 18.41 |
Windowless VUV spectroscopy of an RF-driven atmospheric pressure helium plasma jet with admixtures of oxygen or nitrogen — •Fenja Severing, Judith Golda, and Jan Benedikt
16:30 |
P 18.42 |
Sub-ns electric field measurements in atmospheric plasma jet — •Nikita Lepikhin, Dirk Luggenhölscher, and Uwe Czarnetzki
16:30 |
P 18.43 |
Ro-vibrational distribution measurements in transient atmospheric pressure plasmas by coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering — •Jan Kuhfeld, Dirk Luggenhölscher, and Uwe Czarnetzki
16:30 |
P 18.44 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
16:30 |
P 18.45 |
Investigation of the interplay between electric fields in plasma and phospholipid membranes via molecular dynamics simulations — •Torge Appel and Michael Bonitz
16:30 |
P 18.46 |
Emission spectroscopy of the effluent of a helium-nitrogen atmospheric pressure plasma — •Carmelo Setaro, Judith Golda, and Jan Benedikt
16:30 |
P 18.47 |
Assessment of the impact of Penning dissociation of CO2 in a non-equilibrium atmospheric pressure plasma jet — •Christoph Stewig, Theresa Urbanietz, Steffen Schüttler, Volker Schulz-von der Gathen, Marc Böke, and Achim von Keudell
16:30 |
P 18.48 |
Initial ignition phase of a micro cavity plasma array — •Sebastian Dzikowski, Marc Böke, and Volker Schulz-von der Gathen
16:30 |
P 18.49 |
Reproducibility of core-discharge parameters in the 'COST Reference Microplasma Jet' — •Patrick Preissing, David Steuer, Volker Schulz-von der Gathen, and Marc Böke
16:30 |
P 18.50 |
Impurity injection beyond the tracer-limit by means of laser blow-off in W7-X. — •Th. Wegner and The W7-X Team
16:30 |
P 18.51 |
An optimized geometry for high speed pellet guiding tube on ASDEX Upgrade — •Bernhard Ploeckl, Albrecht Herrmann, Holger Köhnlein, and Peter T. Lang
16:30 |
P 18.52 |
Plasma Terminating Events in Large Stellarators — •Daniel Maier, Andreas Dinklage, Jürgen Baldzuhn, Rainer Burhenn, Rene Bussiahn, Birger Buttenschön, Phillip Hacker, Matthias Hirsch, Udo Höfel, Thomas Wegner, and Daihong Zhang for the The Wendelstein 7-X Team collaboration
16:30 |
P 18.53 |
Impact of edge plasma phenomena on the scintillator pattern of the i-HIBP diagnostic — •Viktoriia Olevskaia, Gregor Birkenmeier, Joaquin Galdon-Quiroga, Elisabeth Wolfrum, Ulrich Stroth, and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:30 |
P 18.54 |
Influence of the optical thickness on the evaluation of the He beam diagnostics at ASDEX Upgrade — •Daniel Wendler, Michael Griener, Ralph Dux, Elisabeth Wolfrum, Ulrich Stroth, and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:30 |
P 18.55 |
First operation of the NBI system at Wendelstein 7-X — •Annabelle Spanier, Dirk Hartmann, Paul McNeely, Norbert Rust, and Robert Wolf for the The Wendelstein 7-X Team collaboration
16:30 |
P 18.56 |
The ASDEX Upgrade room-temperature solid-state pellet injector adapted for COMPASS — •N. Hoepfl, P. T. Lang, B. Ploeckl, D. Wu, J. Cerovsky, O. Ficker, J. Mlynar, V. Weinzettl, and ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:30 |
P 18.57 |
Runaway electron experiments with solid state pellet injector at COMPASS tokamak — •Jaroslav Cerovsky, Ondrej Ficker, Eva Macusova, Jan Mlynar, Vladimir Weinzettl, Michal Farnik, Jozo Varju, Martin Jerab, Petr Barton, Niklas Hoepfl, Peter Thomas Lang, and Bernard Ploeckl
16:30 |
P 18.58 |
First results of the confinement properties in configuration scans during the recent experimental campaign of Wendelstein 7-X — •Tamara Andreeva for the The Wendelstein 7-X Team collaboration
16:30 |
P 18.59 |
Dynamics of TESPEL injections in the W7-X stellarator observed with SXR tomography — •Christian Brandt, Jonathan Schilling, Henning Thomsen, René Bussiahn, Naoki Tamura, Rainer Burhenn, and and the W7-X Team
16:30 |
P 18.60 |
Partial Mutual Information analysis of spatio-temporal ECE data in W7-X — •Juan Fernando Guerrero Arnaiz, Andreas Dinklage, Bernd Pompe, Matthias Hirsch, Udo Hoefel, Robert Wolf, and The W7-X Team
16:30 |
P 18.61 |
Simulations of 3D SOL filaments in detached conditions — •David Schwörer, Nick Walkden, Huw Leggate, Ben Dudson, Fulvio Militello, and Miles M. Turner
16:30 |
P 18.62 |
MHD activity and bootstrap current evolution during the first divertor campaign at the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator — •K Rahbarnia, T Andreeva, CD Beidler, T Bluhm, BB Carvalho, J Geiger, U Neuner, J Schilling, A v Stechow, H Thomsen, Y Turkin, M Zanini, M Zilker, and W7X Team
16:30 |
P 18.63 |
Impact of Tracer-Encapsulated Solid Pellets (TESPEL) on Wendelstein 7-X plasmas — •René Bussiahn, Naoki Tamura, Kieran Joseph McCarthy, LHD experiment group, and W7-X team
16:30 |
P 18.64 |
Selected MHD phenomena observed in the first divertor campaign of Wendelstein 7-X — •Henning Thomsen for the The Wendelstein 7-X Team collaboration
16:30 |
P 18.65 |
Formation of turbulent transport in 3D stellarator geometry — •Mirko Ramisch, Stephen Garland, Bernhard Schmid, and Til Ullmann
16:30 |
P 18.66 |
Three-mode coupling under imposed E× B shear — •Til Ullmann, Bernhard Schmid, Peter Manz, and Mirko Ramisch
16:30 |
P 18.67 |
The development of an Intense Pulsed Positron Source (IPPS) — Martin Singer, •Stephan König, Uwe Hergenhahn, Gerrit Marx, Thomas Sunn Pedersen, and Lutz Schweikhard
16:30 |
P 18.68 |
Positrons polarization by nonlinear Compton scattering in strong laser field — •Yue-Yue Chen, Pei-Len He, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan, and Christoph H. Keitel
16:30 |
P 18.69 |
X-Ray Phase-Contrast Imaging of Simulated Laser-Induced Plasma Shocks — •Julian Saffer, Andreas Wolf, Veronika Ludwig, Max Schuster, Maria Seifert, Mareike Weule, Thilo Michel, Paul Neumayer, Gisela Anton, and Stefan Funk
16:30 |
P 18.70 |
X-ray phase-contrast imaging as a plasma diagnostics technique — •Max Schuster, Veronika Ludwig, Maria Seifert, Mareike Weule, Andreas Wolf, Thilo Michel, Paul Neumayer, Gisela Anton, and Stefan Funk
16:30 |
P 18.71 |
Robustness of an X-ray phase-contrast imaging setup for plasma diagnostics at an X-ray backlighter — •Veronika Ludwig, Max Schuster, Paul Neumayer, Maria Seifert, Andreas Wolf, Stefan Funk, and Gisela Anton
16:30 |
P 18.72 |
High-resolution Reflective Interferometry Experiments at a sub-10-fs Laser-produced Plasma — •Maximilian Münzberg, Michael Stumpf, Georg Pretzler, and Steffen Mittelmann
16:30 |
P 18.73 |
Reflection Phase Shift Measurements at Developing Plasma Layers — •Nico Potzkai, Michael Stumpf, Julian Wegner, and Georg Pretzler
16:30 |
P 18.74 |
Bright terahertz-radiation source from two-color mid-infrared laser pulse interacting with a microplasma target — •Tatyana Liseykina and Sergey Popruzhenko
16:30 |
P 18.75 |
Intensity Dependence of the Laser Ionization of Noble Gases — •Matthias Melchger, Dirk Hemmers, Michael Stumpf, and Georg Pretzler
16:30 |
P 18.76 |
Hybrid formulation of fully- and gyrokinetic Hamiltonian field theory for astrophysical plasmas — •Felipe Nathan deOliveira, Daniel Told, Natalia Tronko, and Karen Pommois
16:30 |
P 18.77 |
Hybrid drift kinetic electron - kinetic ion computations for electrostatic fluctuations in astrophysical plasmas — •Karen Pommois, Simon Lautenbach, Florian Allman-Rahn, Felipe Nathan De Oliveira, Rainer Grauer, and Daniel Told
16:30 |
P 18.78 |
Electron-Ion Temperature Ratio in Collisionless Shocks — •Adrian Hanusch, Tatyana Liseykina, and Mikhail Malkov
16:30 |
P 18.79 |
Investigation of deuterium retention and permeation in ITER 316L(N)-IG stainless steel — •Jana Scheuer, Anne Houben, Arkadi Kreter, Marcin Rasinski, Yulia Martynova, Bernhard Unterberg, and Christian Linsmeier
16:30 |
P 18.80 |
Assesment of plasma edge transport in double null configurations in the EAST tokamak — •Dieter Boeyaert, Sven Wiesen, Wouter Dekeyser, Stefano Carli, and Liang Wang
16:30 |
P 18.81 |
Interaction of plasma-generated reactive species with methylene blue — •Kerstin Sgonina, Nils Dose, and Jan Benedikt
16:30 |
P 18.82 |
Spectroscopic observation of oxygen, carbon and boron before and after boronization in W7-X — •Stepan Sereda, Sebastijan Brezinsek, Erhui Wang, Maciej Krychowiak, Marcin Jakubowski, Ralf König, Yunfeng Liang, Tullio Barbui, Bernd Schweer, Guruparan Satheeswaran, Horst Lambertz, Rahim Allahyari, Victoria Winters, Mathias Schülke, Yanling Wei, and Olaf Neubauer for the The Wendelstein 7-X Team collaboration
16:30 |
P 18.83 |
Investigating H-retention in tungsten fiber reinforced tungsten composites by using single-layered model systems — •Annemarie Kärcher, Johann Riesch, Armin Manhard, Pirmin Almanstötter, and Rudolf Neu
16:30 |
P 18.84 |
Preparation for high accuracy deuterium retention measurements in tungsten with µ NRA — •Robert Krug, Sören Möller, Arkadi Kreter, and Bernhard Unterberg
16:30 |
P 18.85 |
Temperature depence of the erosion of tungsten based smart alloys for the first wall of fusion power plants — •Karen De Lannoye, Janina Schmitz, Andrey Litnovsky, Felix Klein, Arkadi Kreter, and Christian Linsmeier
16:30 |
P 18.86 |
Towards Applications of Deep Learning Techniques to Establish Surrogate Models for the Power Exhaust in Tokamaks — •Martin Brenzke, Sven Wiesen, Matthias Bernert, and The ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:30 |
P 18.87 |
Towards nonlinear MHD simulations of quasi-axisymmetric stellarators — •Nikita Nikulsin and Matthias Hoelzl
16:30 |
P 18.88 |
Integrated modelling of tokamak plasma confinement — •Teobaldo Luda di Cortemiglia, Clemente Angioni, Mike Dunne, Emiliano Fable, Arne Kallenbach, Philip Schneider, Giovanni Tardini, the ASDEX Upgrade Team, and and the EUROfusion MST1 Team
16:30 |
P 18.89 |
A Heuristic Dimits Shift Prediction using Reduced Tertiary Instability Analysis — •Axel Hallenbert and Gabriel Plunk
16:30 |
P 18.90 |
Correlation between source parameter and beam properties at the large negative ion source ELISE — •Isabella Mario, Federica Bonomo, Ursel Fantz, and Dirk Wünderlich
16:30 |
P 18.91 |
Self-consistent modelling of runaway electron generation in massive material injection scenarios in current-carrying fusion devices — •Oliver Linder, Emiliano Fable, Frank Jenko, Gergely Papp, and Gabriella Pautasso
16:30 |
P 18.92 |
Numerical investigation of the power transfer efficiency of inductively coupled plasmas in hydrogen and deuterium — •Dominikus Zielke, Stefan Briefi, David Rauner, and Ursel Fantz
16:30 |
P 18.93 |
Analysis of disruption prediction methods on a per disruption-cause basis. — •Victor Artigues and Frank Jenko
16:30 |
P 18.94 |
Local gyrokinetic stability theory of plasmas of arbitrary degree of neutrality — •Daniel Kennedy, Alexey Mishchenko, and Per Helander
16:30 |
P 18.95 |
Bayesian modelling of reflectometers at Joint European Torus using the Minerva framework — •Sehyun Kwak, Jakob Svensson, Joe Abbate, Lynton Appel, Jon Hillesheim, Felix Parra Diaz, and Luis Meneses
16:30 |
P 18.96 |
Investigation of the synergistic effects of H and radiation damage on the mechanical properties of W — •Bailey Curzadd, Johann Riesch, Till Höschen, Alexander Feichtmayer, and Rudolf Neu
16:30 |
P 18.97 |
Non-linear simulations of inter-ELM activity in ASDEX Upgrade — •Andrés Cathey, Matthias Hoelzl, Mike Dunne, Guido Huijsmans, and Sibylle Günter
16:30 |
P 18.98 |
Quantitative investigation of the neutron production in ASDEX Upgrade — •Monika Koleva, Giovanni Tardini, and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:30 |
P 18.99 |
First Results from a High Time-Resolution Thomson Scattering System at Wendelstein 7-X — •Hannes Damm and Ekkehard Pasch for the The Wendelstein 7-X Team collaboration
16:30 |
P 18.100 |
Theory-based modelling of advanced scenarios in ASDEX Upgrade — •Maximilian Reisner, Jörg Stober, Emiliano Fable, Alexander Bock, Benedikt Geiger, David Rittich, Alejandro Bañon Navarro, Rachael McDermott, and The ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:30 |
P 18.101 |
Conceptual system design study of an NNBI beamline for DEMO — •Giuseppe Starnella, Christian Hopf, Niek den Harder, and Ursel Fantz
16:30 |
P 18.102 |
Extending the fluid turbulence code GRILLIX to study general geometries — •Thomas Body, Andreas Stegmeir, Wladimir Zholobenko, and Alexander Ross
16:30 |
P 18.103 |
Artificial Neural Networks for Plasma Edge Analysis in Wendelstein 7-X — •Marko Blatzheim, Daniel Böckenhoff, Roger Labahn, and Thomas Sunn Pedersen for the The Wendelstein 7-X Team collaboration
16:30 |
P 18.104 |
SOLPS simulations for alternative configurations in the future upper divertor in ASDEX Upgrade — •Ou Pan, Tilmann Lunt, Marco Wischmeier, David Coster, Ulrich Stroth, and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:30 |
P 18.105 |
Scale-Resolved Multi-Field Experimental Investigation of Turbulence for the Validation of Gyrokinetic Simulations — •Klara Höfler, Tim Happel, Pascale Hennequin, Alexander J. Creely, Tobias Görler, Elisee Trier, Ulrich Stroth, and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:30 |
P 18.106 |
Convolutional LSTMs for Plasma State Classification — •Francisco Matos, Vlado Menkovski, Federico Felici, Frank Jenko, and The TCV Team
16:30 |
P 18.107 |
Experimental Study of the Influence of the Scrape-off Layer Radial Electric Field on the Transition to the High Confinement Mode — •Ulrike Plank, Thomas Pütterich, Marco Cavedon, Elisabeth Wolfrum, Ulrich Stroth, and The ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:30 |
P 18.108 |
First results from Michelson Interferometer as a broadband ECE diagnostic in W7-X — •Neha Chaudhary, Johan W. Oosterbeek, Matthias Hirsch, Udo Höfel, Robert C. Wolf, and The W7-X Team
16:30 |
P 18.109 |
Detachment with the 3D turbulent transport code GRILLIX — •Wladimir Zholobenko, Alexander Ross, Andreas Stegmeir, Thomas Body, David Coster, Omar Maj, Peter Manz, and Frank Jenko
16:30 |
P 18.110 |
Mass spectrometry and OES characterization of a CO2 microwave plasma at atmospheric pressure — •Federico Antonio D’Isa, Ante Hecimovic, Emile Carbone, and Ursel Fantz
16:30 |
P 18.111 |
3D Impurity Migration in Fusion Experiments using WallDYN and EMC3-EIRENE — •Lennart Bock, Klaus Schmid, and Tilmann Lunt
16:30 |
P 18.112 |
ECCD-driven temperature collapses at W7-X — •Marco Zanini, Heinrich Laqua, Torsten Stange, Christian Brandt, Hannes Damm, Matthias Hirsch, Udo Höfel, Kian Rahbarnia, Erika Strumberger, Henning Thomsen, and Robert Wolf for the The Wendelstein 7-X Team collaboration
16:30 |
P 18.113 |
Feasibility Study of 14 MeV Neutron Detection During Deuterium Experiments of Wendelstein W7-X — •Jan Paul Koschinsky, Christoph Biedermann, Simppa Äkäslompolo, Sergey A. Bozhenkov, Wolfgang Schneider, Mitsutaka Isobe, Takeo Nishitani, Kunihiro Ogawa, G. A. Wurden, Robert C. Wolf, and the W7-X Team
16:30 |
P 18.114 |
Observation of plasma profiles evolution relevant for magnetic reconnection at VINETA.II — •Tiziano Fulceri, Adrian von Stechow, and Olaf Grulke
16:30 |
P 18.115 |
I-mode power exhaust at ASDEX Upgrade — •Davide Silvagni, Thomas Eich, Tim Happel, Michael Faitsch, Dirk Nille, Pierre David, Bernhard Sieglin, Ulrich Stroth, the ASDEX Upgrade team, and the EUROfusion MST1 team
16:30 |
P 18.116 |
Simulation of positrons in a magnetic dipole trap — •Stefan Nißl, Eve V. Stenson, Haruhiko Saitoh, Juliane Horn-Stanja, Uwe Hergenhahn, Thomas Sunn Pedersen, Matthew R. Stoneking, Markus Singer, Marcel Dickmann, Christoph Hugenschmidt, Lutz Schweikhard, James R. Danielson, and Cliff M. Surko
16:30 |
P 18.117 |
SOLPS Modeling of Impurity Seeded Plasmas in ASDEX Upgrade — •Ferdinand Hitzler, Marco Wischmeier, Felix Reimold, Matthias Bernert, Arne Kallenbach, David Coster, the ASDEX Upgrade Team, and the EUROfusion MST1 Team
16:30 |
P 18.118 |
Carbon content studies with Charge Exchange Spectroscopy on W7-X — •Lilla Vanó, Oliver P. Ford, and Robert C. Wolf for the The Wendelstein 7-X Team collaboration
16:30 |
P 18.119 |
Investigation of Balmer alpha spectra in W7-X using FIDASIM — •Peter Zs. Poloskei, Benedikt Geiger, A. J. van Vuuren, S. Akaslompolo, O. Ford, and S. Bozhenkov for the The Wendelstein 7-X Team collaboration
16:30 |
P 18.120 |
Gaussian Process Tomography for the Soft X-Ray Diagnostic of Wendelstein 7-X — •Jonathan Schilling, Sehyun Kwak, Christian Brandt, Henning Thomsen, and Jakob Svensson
16:30 |
P 18.121 |
Atmospheric plasmas for generation of nanostructured materials — •Jan Benedikt, Ove Hansen, Oleksander Polonskyi, Mohamed Mokhtar Hefny, David Necas, and Judith Golda
16:30 |
P 18.122 |
Complex plasma experiments with PK-4 on parabolic flight campaign DLR #31 — •Michael Kretschmer, Markus Thoma, Christopher Dietz, Benjamin Steinmüller, and Jeremiah Williams
16:30 |
P 18.123 |
Exposure of diagnostic duct system with mirrors in EAST tokamak: first results — •Tiziana von Witzleben, Andrey Litnovsky, Jiao Peng, Yury Krasikov, and Christian Linsmeier
16:30 |
P 18.124 |
Heat Load Control for Wendelstein 7-X with Machine Learning Approaches — •Daniel Böckenhoff, Marko Blatzheim, Roger Labahn, and Thomas Sunn Pedersen for the The Wendelstein 7-X Team collaboration
16:30 |
P 18.125 |
Sensing IEDFs and IADFs in radio-frequency discharges using a MEMS-based sensor stack — •Kerstin Roessel, Birk Berger, Thomas Mussenbrock, Marcel Melzer, Chris Stoeckel, and Sven Zimmermann
16:30 |
P 18.126 |
Consistently calculating the radiated power in near real time at the stellarator Wendelstein 7-X — •Philipp Hacker, Felix Reimold, Daihong Zhang, Maciej Krychowiak, Rainer Burhenn, and Thomas Klinger for the The Wendelstein 7-X Team collaboration
16:30 |
P 18.127 |
Gyrokinetic investigation of the nonlinear dynamics of Alfvénic instabilities and comparison with observations in ASDEX Upgrade — •Francesco Vannini
16:30 |
P 18.128 |
Kinetic Modeling of Nitrogen Impurities in the ITER Edge — •Friedrich Schluck, Michael Rack, Yuhe Feng, and Petra Börner
16:30 |
P 18.129 |
Gyrokinetic studies of ASDEX Upgrade I-mode pedestal scenario using GENE code — •Karl Stimmel, Alejandro Bañón Navarro, Tim Happel, Frank Jenko, and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:30 |
P 18.130 |
The electric field of an electron in a electron-hole plasma with degenerate electrons. Possibility of formation of a superconductivity state — •Saltanat P. Sadykova and Anri A. Rukhadze