München 2019 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
P 2: Complex and Dusty Plasmas I
Montag, 18. März 2019, 11:15–12:45, HS 20
11:15 |
P 2.1 |
Diagnostics of nanodusty plasmas — •Franko Greiner and the SFB-TR24 Team
11:45 |
P 2.2 |
Experiments on Surface Floating Potential of Spherical Object in the Magnetized RF Discharge Plasma — •Mangilal Choudhary, M. H. Thoma, R. Bergert, and S. Mitic
12:00 |
P 2.3 |
In-situ Measurements of the Temperature Gradient in Complex Plasmas — •Aleksandr Pikalev, Mikhail Pustylnik, Christoph Räth, and Hubertus Thomas
12:15 |
P 2.4 |
Size, density and charge analysis of Al2O3 nanoparticles in argon discharges — •Harald Krüger and André Melzer
12:30 |
P 2.5 |
High precision size measurement of microparticles during plasma operation — •Niklas Kohlmann, Frank Wieben, Oguz-Han Asnaz, Franko Greiner, and Dietmar Block