München 2019 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
P 3: Plasma Surface Interaction I
Montag, 18. März 2019, 11:15–12:45, HS 21
11:15 |
P 3.1 |
Plasma-based surface modification for life-science applications — •Katja Fricke and Klaus-Dieter Weltmann
11:45 |
P 3.2 |
Development of a 3D model for hydrogen outgassing from ion-irradiated materials — •Md Al-Beruni, Dmitry Matveev, Bernhard Unterberg, and Christian Linsmeier
12:00 |
P 3.3 |
Light reflection in the line shape of sputtered atoms of high-Z plasma facing components in the linear plasma device PSI-2 — •Stephan Ertmer, Oleksandr Marchuk, Sven Dickheuer, Arkadi Kreter, and Sebastijan Brezinsek
12:15 |
P 3.4 |
Towards an understanding of the force low-temperature plasmas exert on walls — •Thomas Trottenberg and Holger Kersten
12:30 |
P 3.5 |
Decoupling of ion- and photon-activation mechanisms in polymer surfaces exposed to low-temperature plasmas — •Rahel Buschhaus, Maik Budde, Carles Corbella, and Achim von Keudell