München 2019 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
P 6: Low Pressure Plasmas I
Montag, 18. März 2019, 16:30–18:30, HS 20
16:30 |
P 6.1 |
Plasmas in leading-edge semiconductor device fabrication: Importance and analysis — •Sven Zimmermann, Micha Haase, Norbert Lang, Henrik Zimmermann, Jürgen Röpcke, Stefan Schulz, and Thomas Otto
17:00 |
P 6.2 |
Spectra of the planar Multipole Resonance Probe determined by a Kinetic Model — •Michael Friedrichs and Jens Oberrath
17:15 |
P 6.3 |
Determination of the EEDF by a Langmuir probe AC technique in low pressure ICPs — •Adrian Heiler, Roland Friedl, and Ursel Fantz
17:30 |
P 6.4 |
The absolute calibration of an energy-selective mass spectrometer with the reference IVDF from a 1D PIC simulation of a symmetrical RF plasma — •Christian Schulze, Hanno Kählert, Michael Marsand, and Jan Benedikt
17:45 |
P 6.5 |
Operation of INCA with molecular gases — •Christian Lütke Stetzkamp, Philipp Ahr, Tsanko Vaskov Tsankov, and Uwe Czarnetzki
18:00 |
P 6.6 |
Phase resolved optical properties of magnetized transient plasma created by a low-pressure dielectric barrier discharge jet — •Roman Bergert and Slobodan Mitic
18:15 |
P 6.7 |
Measurements of VUV/UV photon fluxes in planar ICP discharges at low pressure — •Caecilia Fröhler, Roland Friedl, Stefan Briefi, and Ursel Fantz