München 2019 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
P 8: Laser Plasmas I - Codes and Modelling I
Dienstag, 19. März 2019, 11:00–12:30, HS 20
11:00 |
P 8.1 |
Adaptive Multi-Physics Simulations of Collisionless Plasmas — •Simon Lautenbach and Rainer Grauer
11:15 |
P 8.2 |
A new relativistic interaction model for 2D and 3D Wigner crystals in a plasma bubble — •Johannes Thomas, Lars Reichwein, and Alexander Pukhov
11:30 |
P 8.3 |
Probing the strong-field frontier of quantum electrodynamics — •Christoph Baumann and Alexander Pukhov
11:45 |
P 8.4 |
Ultra-high energy density physics and ion acceleration in nano- and microstructures — •Vural Kaymak, Alexander Pukhov, Vyacheslav N. Shlyaptsev, Jorge J. Rocca, Bastian Aurand, and Oswald Willi
12:00 |
P 8.5 |
Investigation of Plasma Expansion on Solid Surfaces Interacting with an Ultrashort Laser Pulse in the Weakly-Relativistic Intensity Regime — •Steffen Mittelmann, Götz Lehmann, Georg Pretzler, and Michael Stumpf
12:15 |
P 8.6 |
Laser-driven shock acceleration of ions in the collisional and ultra-relativistic regime — •Shikha Bhadoria, Naveen Kumar, and Christoph H. Keitel