München 2019 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
UP 6: Remote sensing and data analysis methods
Mittwoch, 20. März 2019, 14:00–16:00, HS 22
14:00 |
UP 6.1 |
Advanced Multi-Parametric Synthetic Aperture Radar Techniques for Environmental Applications — Irena Hajnsek and •Kostas Papathanassiou
14:30 |
UP 6.2 |
Aeolus - the first wind lidar in space: Challenges and first results — •Oliver Reitebuch, Christian Lemmerz, Oliver Lux, Uwe Marksteiner, Markus Meringer, Karsten Schmidt, Fabian Weiler, Benjamin Witschas, Dorit Huber, Ines Nikolaus, and Thomas Kanitz
15:00 |
UP 6.3 |
Impact of three-dimensional cloud-structures on atmospheric trace gas retrievals — •Claudia Emde, Arve Kylling, Huan Yu, Michel van Roozendael, Bernhard Mayer, and Kerstin Stebel
15:15 |
UP 6.4 |
Uncertainties in the retrieval of shortwave broadband albedo from satellite, airborne and ground-based radiative measurements — •Christine Pohl, Larysa Istomina, Vladimir Rozanov, Gunnar Spreen, and Georg Heygster
15:30 |
UP 6.5 |
Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing with novel neutron detectors — •Markus Köhli, Jannis Weimar, Fabian Allmendinger, Fabian Schmidt, and Ulrich Schmidt
15:45 |
UP 6.6 |
digital filter design based on FPGA system for nuclear detection — •yuzhen ma