BP 14: Cell mechanics I
Mittwoch, 3. April 2019, 09:30–13:00, H10
09:30 |
BP 14.1 |
A large scan area AFM for measurements on large biological samples and on many cells — •Todor Krastev, David Grunwald, and Tilman E. Schäffer
09:45 |
BP 14.2 |
Repetitive failures and success in particle retraction of macrophage filopodia — •Rebecca Michiels and Alexander Rohrbach
10:00 |
BP 14.3 |
Measuring cellular reactions upon particle approach on a broad bandwidth by photonic force microscopy — •Felix Jünger and Alexander Rohrbach
10:15 |
BP 14.4 |
Tuning Mechanics and Biochemical Recognition using Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels — •Martin Schilling and Florian Rehfeldt
10:30 |
BP 14.5 |
Physical determinants of phagocytic uptake and transport — •Holger Kress
11:00 |
15 minutes break.
11:15 |
BP 14.6 |
Blood platelet formation - a biological Rayleigh-Plateau instability — •Christian Bächer and Stephan Gekle
11:30 |
BP 14.7 |
Numerical-experimental observation of shape bistability of red blood cells flowing in a microchannel — Achim Guckenberger, Alexander Kihm, Thomas John, Christian Wagner, and •Stephan Gekle
11:45 |
BP 14.8 |
Dynamic RT-DC: time-resolved mechanical single cell analysis at 100 cells / second — •Bob Fregin, Fabian Czerwinski, Konstanze Aurich, Doreen Biedenweg, Salvatore Girardo, Stefan Groß, and Oliver Otto
12:00 |
BP 14.9 |
The role of cell culture topology in cell mechanics: comparing 2D with 3D microenvironments — •Venkata AS Dabbiru, Muzaffar H Panhwar, Doreen Biedenweg, Fabian Czerwinski, Ricardo H Pires, and Oliver Otto
12:15 |
BP 14.10 |
High-throughput cell and tissue mechanics in virtual fluidic channels — •Muzaffar Hussain Panhwar, Venkata A.S. Dabbiru, Doreen Biedenweg, Ricardo H. Pires, Fabian Czerwinski, and Oliver Otto
12:30 |
BP 14.11 |
Stretching Adherent Cells with Light — •Tobias Neckernuss, Daniel Geiger, Jonas Pfeil, and Othmar Marti
12:45 |
BP 14.12 |
A microfluidic method to sort capsules and cells according to their size and deformability — •Doriane Vesperini and Anne Le Goff