Regensburg 2019 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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BP: Fachverband Biologische Physik
BP 5: Systems biology & gene expression and signaling
BP 5.6: Vortrag
Montag, 1. April 2019, 16:30–16:45, H11
Modelling the Single Photon Response in Rods — •Charlotte J. Beelen1, Karl-Wilhelm Koch1, and Daniele Dell’Orco2 — 1Dept. Neuroscience, Biochemistry, University of Oldenburg — 2Department of Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences, Sect. of Biological Chemistry, University of Verona
Rod cells mediate vision in dim light. After the activation of the pigment molecule rhodopsin, a complex signal transduction cascade leads to an electrical signal, which can then be transmitted further through the retina. This phototransduction cascade can be modelled using differential equations for the relevant molecular species, mainly with mass-action kinetics. It has been tested for a broad range of stimulus conditions in deterministic simulations [1,2].
The phototransduction cascade exhibits a reproducible response to single photons, thus operating at the physical sensing limit. These single photon responses show astonishingly little variability [3]. To investigate the uniformness of the single photon response and find out which reactions are essential for its reproducibility, we perform stochastic simulations of single photon responses. The effect of multiple phosphorylation sites of rhodopsin is studied, as well as single photon responses in different knockout conditions.
[1] D. Dell’Orco et al, Mol. BioSyst. 5 1232-1246 (2009)
[2] B.M. Invergo et al, Mol. BioSyst. 10 1481-1489 (2014)
[3] R.D. Hamer et al, J. Gen. Physiol. 122 419-444 (2003)