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BP: Fachverband Biologische Physik
BP 6: Poster I
BP 6.7: Poster
Montag, 1. April 2019, 17:30–19:30, Poster B2
Thermoviscous flows at reduced heating impact — •Matthias Loidolt, Matthaeus Mittasch, Archit Bhatnagar, Anatol Fritsch, and Moritz Kreysing — MPI of Cell Biology, Dresden
Recently it was demonstrated that thermoviscous flows can be used to move the cytoplasm of cells and developing embryos (1). These flows are induced by laser scanning of a temperature spot through the cytoplasm, and reach velocities that are comparable with flow velocities happing during early stages of embryogenesis. As a side effect, this laser scanning introduces weak temperature gradients, that are on the order of 1-2 kelvins when time-averaged. While this is sufficient to avoid side effects in heterothermic animals, some mammalian cells might require even more stable temperature conditions. Here, we present that exploiting symmetry relations during laser scanning, we can still generate significant flow fields, while greatly reducing time-averaged temperature gradients. Specifically we find that scan paths that visit every point in the sample equally often can still be used to cause localized flows. At the same time the resulting temperature distributions are near homogenous across the region of interest and can therefore be much better compensated for by ambient cooling.
(1): Mittasch et al., " Non-invasive perturbations of intracellular flow reveal physical principles of cell organization", Nature Cell Biology 1 (2018)