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CPP: Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik
CPP 25: Poster Session II
CPP 25.17: Poster
Dienstag, 2. April 2019, 14:00–16:00, Poster B1
Thermoelectric Characterization of Polymer Composite Thin Films — •Marie Siegert1, Alexander Steeger2, and Jens Pflaum1,2 — 1Experimental Physics VI, Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg, 97074 Würzburg — 2Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research (ZAE Bayern), 97074 Würzburg
In recent years, organic thin films have become of interest for thermoelectric applications as a low-cost, sustainable alternative to inorganic semiconductors. To achieve a high thermoelectric figure of merit zT=σ S2 T / κ, which is a measure for the efficiency of converting waste heat into electricity, the thermal conductivity κ of the thin film needs to be minimized, while maximizing its electrical conductivity σ. Polymer thin films, which can be prepared by solution processing at large scales, exhibit sufficiently low thermal conductivities, but lack high electrical conductivity as a result of their inherent disorder. In contrast, crystalline organic metals, requesting high efforts on their preparation, show superior charge carrier transport characterized by a metallic conductivity behavior over a wide temperature range [1]. Here we report on the combination of the two material approaches by preparing composite thin films of the well studied polymer PEDOT:PSS blended with crystallites of the low-dimensional molecular metal TTT2I3. First results on the electrical and thermal properties of these polymer-molecular metal composites will be presented and evaluated with respect to their application potential in thin film based thermoelectric generators.
[1] F. Huewe, A. Steeger, et al., Adv. Mat. 29 (2017) 1605682