09:30 |
CPP 52.1 |
A unifying perspective on rigidity in under-constrained materials — •Matthias Merkel, Karsten Baumgarten, Brian Tighe, and Lisa Manning
09:45 |
CPP 52.2 |
Heat and light - non-equilibrium tools to break early symmetry — Matthias Morasch, Corinna Kufner, Stefan Krebs, Hannes Mutschler, Wolfgang Zinth, Dieter Braun und •Christof Mast
10:00 |
CPP 52.3 |
Kinetic Control of Peptide Self Assembly Pathways — •Joshua T. Berryman and Ali Asghar Hakami Zanjani
10:15 |
CPP 52.4 |
Early Stage Self Assembly of Flexible Peptides — •Ali Asghar Hakami Zanjani and Joshua T. Berryman
10:30 |
CPP 52.5 |
The force spectroscopy of a biomimetic polymer in molecular simulations via perturbation theory — •Aviel Chaimovich, Christian Leitold, Kurt Kremer, and Christoph Dellago
10:45 |
CPP 52.6 |
Heated microbubbles condense and encapsulate prebiotic molecules and enhance ribozymatic activity — •Matthias Morasch, Alan Ianeselli, Alexandra Kühnlein, Saidul Islam, Kristian Le Vay, Hannes Mutschler, Matthew W. Powner, Christof B. Mast, and Dieter Braun
11:00 |
15 minutes break.
11:15 |
CPP 52.7 |
Mechanical properties of UV-irradiated collagen fibrils studied with atomic force microscopy — •Marcus Schulze, Melanie Rogge, and Robert Stark
11:30 |
CPP 52.8 |
The effect of surface functionalization and pH on protein-gold nanoparticle interactions — •Brahmaiah Meesaragandla, Isabel Garcia, Luis.M Liz-Marzán, and Mihaela Delcea
11:45 |
CPP 52.9 |
Temperature dependence of the elastic modulus of vapor deposited phospholipid bilayers on solid substrates — Maria J. Retamal, •Rodrigo Catalan, Marcelo Cisternas, Nicolas Moraga, Diego Diaz, Tomas P. Corrales, Mark Busch, Patrick Huber, Marco Soto-Arriaza, and Ulrich G. Volkmann
12:00 |
CPP 52.10 |
Sequence effects on size, shape, and structural heterogeneity in Intrinsically Disordered Proteins — •Upayan Baul, Debayan Chakraborty, Mauro L. Mugnai, John E. Straub, Devarajan Thirumalai, and Joachim Dzubiella
12:15 |
CPP 52.11 |
Co-survival and competition relationship between bacteria analyzed in millifluidic droplet sequence — •Xinne Zhao, Larysa Baraban, and Gianaurelio Cuniberti
12:30 |
CPP 52.12 |
Collagen gels determine the viscoelastic properties of tissue without hindering the diffusion of the aqueous solvent — Frank Sauer, Linda Oswald, Angela Ariza de Schellenberger, Heiko Tzschätzsch, •Felix Schrank, Tony Fischer, Jürgen Braun, Claudia T. Mierke, Rustem Valiullin, Ingolf Sack, and Josef A. Käs