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CPP: Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik
CPP 60: Biomaterials and biopolymers II (joint session BP/CPP)
CPP 60.4: Hauptvortrag
Donnerstag, 4. April 2019, 15:45–16:15, H10
3D scaffolds as cell-instructive biomaterials — Christine Selhuber-Unkel and •Christine Arndt — Institute for Materials Science, University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany
In vivo, many cell types are embedded in densely structured 3D environments. Such environments typically contain nano- and micropores or consist of nano- and microfibrous interwoven biopolymer structures. Mimicking such natural environments by synthetic materials can provide novel functionalities in many applications, particularly in tissue engineering. We therefore investigate 3D scaffold materials for their impact on cellular properties. As a first example, microchannels are embedded in a hydrogel matrix of well-defined stiffness, chemistry and conductivity. The scaffold provides a large and spatially controlled cell-surface contact area through the specific architecture of its pores, such that the specific properties of the environment have large impact on the cells and induce, e.g., cell capture. As a second example, carbon-based fibrous scaffolds will be introduced. These are highly attractive for applications that require conductive materials. In addition, they resemble the structural features of the natural extracellular environment and can be equipped with bioactive particles. Hence, 3D microstructured environments are promising candidates for instructing cells to execute specific and coordinated functions.