17:30 |
HL 35.1 |
Temperature dependent capacitance-voltage spectroscopy of self-assembled GaN quantum dot ensembles — •Carlo Alberto Sgroi, Julien Brault, Jean-Yves Duboz, Arne Ludwig, and Andreas D. Wieck
17:30 |
HL 35.2 |
Quantum well states of GaN/AlN studied by angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy — •Felix Paßlack, Mahdi Hajlaoui, Stefano Ponzoni, Mirko Cinchetti, Thomas Zentgraf, Donat Josef As, and Michael Deppe
17:30 |
HL 35.3 |
Comparison of GaN layers grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy and by Sputtering technique — •Anne Sekels, Pascal Hille, Philipp Schurig, Martin Becker, Jörg Schörmann, and Angelika Polity
17:30 |
HL 35.4 |
Electron Beam Induced Current (EBIC) Investigations of Freshly Introduced a-screw Dislocations in GaN — •Tobias Westphal and Michael Seibt
17:30 |
HL 35.5 |
Photoelectrochemical Etching of GaN/AlGaN Heterostructures — •Lukas Peters, Christoph Margenfeld, Hergo-Heinrich Wehmann, and Andreas Waag
17:30 |
HL 35.6 |
Spectroscopic characterization of sputtered ScAlN thin films — •Tim Hofmann, Katja Tonisch, Bernd Hähnlein, Jaroslav Kovic Jr., Jörg Pezoldt, and Stefan Krischok
17:30 |
HL 35.7 |
A comparative study of ultrathin c-plane GaInN/GaN quantum wells grown by MBE and MOVPE — •André Schendel, Dominic Tetzlaff, Heiko Bremers, Uwe Rossow, and Andreas Hangleiter
17:30 |
HL 35.8 |
Optical properties of oxygen-doped TiN thin films — •Felix-Florian Delatowski, Chris Sturm, Michael Lorenz, Florian Jung, Stefan Hohenberger, and Marius Grundmann
17:30 |
HL 35.9 |
Capacitance spectroscopy on GaN quantum dots — •Peter Conrad, Carlo Sgroi, Julien Brault, Laurin Schnorr, Andreas D. Wieck, and Arne Ludwig
17:30 |
HL 35.10 |
Structural and optical investigation of metamorphic AlInGaN barriers — •Carina Walz, Michael Jetter, and Peter Michler
17:30 |
HL 35.11 |
Micro-photoluminescence spectroscopy of microsctructured light emitters based on InGaN quantum wells — •Jonas Quatuor, Mursal A. Baggash, Ulrich T. Schwarz, Jana Hartmann, and Andreas Waag
17:30 |
HL 35.12 |
Low temperature spectroscopy of phonon replica in group-III-nitride quantum wells — •Conny Becht, Mursal A. Baggash, and Ulrich T. Schwarz
17:30 |
HL 35.13 |
Temperature-dependent electroluminescence studies of AlGaN-based UVB-LEDs — •Jakob Höpfner, Priti Gupta, Martin Guttmann, Markus Weyers, Tim Wernicke, and Michael Kneissel
17:30 |
HL 35.14 |
AlGaN-based LEDs with extremely short emission wavelengths — Frank Mehnke, Luca Sulmoni, Martin Guttmann, •Tim Wernicke, and Michael Kneissl
17:30 |
HL 35.15 |
Optical polarization of AlGaN multiple quantum wells emitting between 212 nm and 261 nm — •Bettina Belde, Fynn Wolf, Frank Mehnke, Martin Guttmann, Christoph Reich, Luca Sulmoni, Tim Wernicke, and Michael Kneissl
17:30 |
HL 35.16 |
UVB LED with narrow emission angle using advanced silicon-based reflector package and Fresnel lens — •Anna Ghazaryan, Martin Guttmann, Tim Wernicke, Neysha Lobo Ploch, Tim Kolbe, Katrin Hilbrich, Steffen Knigge, Dennis Mitrenga, Indira Käpplinger, Thomas Ortlepp, Sven Einfeldt, and Michael Kneissl
17:30 |
HL 35.17 |
MOVPE Growth of Semipolar (11-22) Al0.8Ga0.2N on (10-10) Sapphire — •Sarina Graupeter, Humberto M. Foronda, Frank Mehnke, Tim Wernicke, and Michael Kneissl
17:30 |
HL 35.18 |
Stopping in Gallium Arsenide — •Alrik Stegmaier and Hans Hofsäss
17:30 |
HL 35.19 |
Measuring the 1D subband energies of wurtzite GaAs wires by inelastic light scattering — •Sebastian Meier, Florian Dirnberger, Paulo de Faria Junior, Jaroslav Fabian, Dominique Bougeard, and Christian Schüller
17:30 |
HL 35.20 |
Capacitance-voltage spectroscopy on no-wetting layer quantum dots — •Ismail Bölükbasi, Sven Scholz, Andreas D. Wieck, and Arne Ludwig
17:30 |
HL 35.21 |
Degradation of telecom wavelength LEDs by high energy proton irradiation — •Heinz-Christoph Neitzert, Giovanni Landi, Juergen Bundesmann, and Andrea Denker
17:30 |
HL 35.22 |
Influence of ohmic contact material, doping and temperature on current-induced charge carrier density change — •Zoe Fiedler, Christian Schulte-Braucks, Carlo Alberto Sgroi, Carsten Ebler, Andreas Wieck, and Arne Ludwig
17:30 |
HL 35.23 |
CVD growth of ZnO on sapphire with methane as reducing agent: Initial crystal formation process. — •Raphael Müller, Florian Huber, Okan Gelme, Manfred Madel, Alexander Minkow, Ulrich Herr, and Klaus Thonke
17:30 |
HL 35.24 |
Investigation of optical properties for Fe3+ in ZnO — •Martin Mangold, Raphael Müller, Florian Huber, Benjamin Neuschl, Ulrich Herr, and Klaus Thonke
17:30 |
HL 35.25 |
CVD based growth of ZnO layers on Si(111) with AlN nucleation layer — •Matthias Töws, Okan Gelme, Raphael Müller, Florian Huber, Jan-Patrick Scholz, Ulrich Herr, and Klaus Thonke
17:30 |
HL 35.26 |
Growth of epitaxial ZnO layers on Si(111) by chemical vapor deposition with methane as reducing agent — •Okan Gelme, Raphael Müller, Florian Huber, Alexander Minkow, Ulrich Herr, and Klaus Thonke
17:30 |
HL 35.27 |
Optical and magnetic studies of CrSe thin films on ZnSe and CdSe buffer layers — •Johannes Röder, Dana Vieweg, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, Alois Loidl, and Wolfram Heimbrodt
17:30 |
HL 35.28 |
Influence of substrate material and growth parameters on donor concentration in CVD grown ZnO layers — •Stefan Pokrivka, Raphael Müller, Okan Gelme, Tom Lacmann, Florian Huber, Ulrich Herr, and Klaus Thonke
17:30 |
HL 35.29 |
Optoelectronic Interaction Between Colloidal Quantum Dots and Buried Quantum Wells — •Mikko Wilhelm, Shyam Kommadath, Atif Masood, Torsten Henning, Wolfgang Parak, and Wolfram Heimbrodt
17:30 |
HL 35.30 |
Exciton spin relaxation and recombination dynamics in CdSe nanocrystals in glass matrix — •Gang Qiang, Elena V. Shornikova, Dmitri R. Yakovle, Aleksandr A. Golovatenko, Anna V. Rodina, Evgeniy A. Zhukov, Aleksei A. Onushchenko, and Manfred Bayer
17:30 |
HL 35.31 |
Exciton spin relaxation and recombination dynamics in CdSe nanocrystals in glass matrix — •Gang Qiang, Elena V. Shornikova, Dmitri R. Yakovle, Aleksandr A. Golovatenko, Anna V. Rodina, Evgeniy A. Zhukov, Aleksei A. Onushchenko, and Manfred Bayer
17:30 |
HL 35.32 |
First-principles study of the structural and electronic properties of the GaP surface and GaP/Si interface — •Marsel Karmo and Erich Runge
17:30 |
HL 35.33 |
Influence of material supply and capping layer thickness on the density and emission properties of MOVPE grown InAs quantum dots on linear-graded InGaAs metamorphic buffers — •Robert Sittig, Diana Pfezer, Simone Luca Portalupi, Michael Jetter, and Peter Michler
17:30 |
HL 35.34 |
Non-Markovian quantum feedback control of driven few-level quantum systems — Leon Droenner, •Kisa Barkemeyer, Andreas Knorr, and Alexander Carmele
17:30 |
HL 35.35 |
Pulsed electrically excited single-photon emission from a determnistically integrated quantum dot in a resonant cavity light emitting diode — •Simon Seyfferle, Marc Sartison, Sascha Kolatschek, Simone L. Portalupi, Michael Jetter, and Peter Michler
17:30 |
HL 35.36 |
Implementing Emission Tuning Mechanisms in Photonic Integrated Circuits — •Florian Hornung, Mario Schwartz, Ekkehart Schmidt, Stefan Hepp, Ulrich Rengstl, Huiying Huang, Simone Luca Portalupi, Michael Jetter, Konstantin Illin, Michael Siegel, Armando Rastelli, and Peter Michler
17:30 |
HL 35.37 |
Resonance fluorescence on plasmon-quantum dot hybrids — •Gerhard Johannes Schäfer, Armando Rastelli, and Markus Lippitz
17:30 |
HL 35.38 |
Wet chemical etching of Gaussian shaped micro lenses in GaAs to enhance the extraction efficiency of QDs — •Lena Engel, Marc Sartison, Sascha Kolatschek, Fabian Olbrich, Cornelius Nawrath, Stefan Hepp, Michael Jetter, Peter Michler, and Simone Luca Portalupi
17:30 |
HL 35.39 |
Correlation of Auger Recombination in Self-Assembled InAs Quantum Dots with their Opto-Electrical Properties — •Nikolai Bart, Nikolai Spitzer, Martin Geller, Axel Lorke, Andreas D. Wieck, and Arne Ludwig
17:30 |
HL 35.40 |
Occupation and Light Field Dynamics of a Quantum Dot in a Photonic Cavity — •Kevin Jürgens, Tilmann Kuhn, and Doris E. Reiter
17:30 |
HL 35.41 |
Hot carrier cooling dynamics in PbS quantum dots - The influence of surface termination — •Emanuele Minutella, Nuri Yazdani, Vanessa Wood, and Holger Lange
17:30 |
HL 35.42 |
Optimized metamorphic buffer heterointerfaces for λ = 1.55 μm quantum dot growth — •Marcel Schmidt, Tim Bergmeier, Andreas D. Wieck, and Arne Ludwig
17:30 |
HL 35.43 |
The influence of the tunnel coupling to a charge reservoir on the Auger process in self-assembled quantum dots — •Pia Lochner, Annika Kurzmann, Jens Kerski, Rüdiger Schott, Andreas Dirk Wieck, Arne Ludwig, Axel Lorke, and Martin Geller
17:30 |
HL 35.44 |
Capacitance-voltage spectroscopy and temperature dependent photoluminescence spectroscopy on λ = 1.55 μm quantum dots — •Tim Bergmeier, Marcel Schmidt, Andreas Dirk Wieck, and Arne Ludwig
17:30 |
HL 35.45 |
Enhanced Biexciton Emission from single Quantum Dots encased in N-type Semiconductor — •Zhijie Li, Guofeng Zhang, Bin Li, Ruiyun Chen, Chengbing Qin, Yan Gao, Liantuan Xiao, and Suotang Jia
17:30 |
HL 35.46 |
Improving the Purcell-enhancement for InAs-QDs in Fabry-Perot fiber-microcavities — •Martin Fischer, Thomas Herzog, Sascha Böhrkircher, Steffen Both, Michael Jetter, Simone Luca Portalupi, Thomas Weiss, and Peter Michler
17:30 |
HL 35.47 |
A single quantum emitter in a Mach Zehnder interferometer — •Hendrik Mannel, Pia Lochner, Jens Kerski, Arne Ludwig, Andreas D. Wieck, Martin Geller, and Axel Lorke
17:30 |
HL 35.48 |
Single hole storage and non-equilibrium tunneling dynamics of quantum dots — •Carsten Ebler, Andreas D. Wieck, and Arne Ludwig
17:30 |
HL 35.49 |
High brightness quantum dot source of telecom O-band photons — •Jingzhong Yang, Cornelius Nawrath, Robert Keil, Michael Zopf, Xi Zhang, Yan Chen, Bianca Höfer, Simone Portalupi, Peter Michler, Fei Ding, and Oliver G. Schmidt
17:30 |
HL 35.50 |
Factorial moments of photon-number states heralded from parametric down-conversion — •K. Laiho, M. Schmidt, G. Weihs, and S. Reitzenstein
17:30 |
HL 35.51 |
Transport Properties of Self-Assembeld InAs Double Quantum Dots — •Felix Opiela, Jan. K Kühne, and Rolf. J Haug
17:30 |
HL 35.52 |
Conductive nanorods generated by Cu exchange on contacted CdSe/CdS-rods — •Benedikt Brechtken, Franziska Lübkemann, Dirk Dorfs, Nadja Bigall, and Rolf J. Haug
17:30 |
HL 35.53 |
Time-resolved reflectometry measurements on self-assembled quantum dots — •Jakob Penner, Kevin Eltrudis, Isabel Oppenberg, Arne Ludwig, Andreas D. Wieck, Martin Geller, and Axel Lorke
17:30 |
HL 35.54 |
Spatiotemporal Dynamics of correlated Carrier Wave Packets in Semiconductors — •Frank Lengers, Roberto Rosati, Tilmann Kuhn, and Doris E. Reiter
17:30 |
HL 35.55 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:30 |
HL 35.56 |
Simulation of mode competition phenomena in (Al,In)GaN laser diodes — •Eduard Kuhn, Lukas Uhlig, Matthias Wachs, Ulrich T. Schwarz, and Angela Thränhardt
17:30 |
HL 35.57 |
Blue InGaAs-VECSELs for Rydberg atom spectroscopy — •Ana Ćutuk, Marija Ćurčić, Marius Plach, Richard Hermann, Marius Großmann, Roman Bek, Robert Löw, Harald Kübler, Michael Jetter, and Peter Michler
17:30 |
HL 35.58 |
Characterization of mode competition phenomena in (Al,In)GaN laser diodes — •Lukas Uhlig, Eduard Kuhn, Matthias Wachs, Angela Thränhardt, and Ulrich T. Schwarz
17:30 |
HL 35.59 |
Towards mode locking with a membrane saturable absorber mirror — •Ana Ćutuk, Roman Bek, Michael Jetter, and Peter Michler
17:30 |
HL 35.60 |
Towards near-infrared emitting InP quantum dot VECSELs — •Marius Großmann, Lea Stassen, Michael Jetter, and Peter Michler
17:30 |
HL 35.61 |
Monolithic quantum well mode-locked laser subject to short optical feedback with nanometric resolution — •Pascal Sauer, Dominik Auth, Christoph Weber, Andreas Klehr, Andrea Knigge, and Stefan Breuer
17:30 |
HL 35.62 |
Self mode-locked monolithic quantum dash lasers emitting at 1535 nm subject to optical self feedback by complex external cavity geometries — •Patrick Fiala, Dominik Auth, Christoph Weber, Klara Maria Neumann, Quentin Gaimard, Abderrahim Ramdane, and Stefan Breuer
17:30 |
HL 35.63 |
Response of passively mode-locked quantum-well and quantum dot lasers subject to optical self feedback — •Dominik Auth, Christoph Weber, Igor Krestnikov, Andreas Klehr, Andrea Knigge, and Stefan Breuer
17:30 |
HL 35.64 |
Optical frequency comb quantum dash semiconductor lasers subject to optical self feedback — •Patrick Fiala, Dominik Auth, Christoph Weber, Quentin Gaimard, Abderrahim Ramdane, and Stefan Breuer
17:30 |
HL 35.65 |
Synchronization of two mutually optically injected passively mode-locked quantum dot lasers — •Christoph Weber, Dominik Auth, Iraklis Hercules Simos, Christos Simos, and Stefan Breuer
17:30 |
HL 35.66 |
Ultrafast pulse generation and pulse train stability of an InP generic foundry platform passively mode-locked symmetric ring laser with dual saturable absorbers — •Christoph Weber, Mu-Chieh Lo, Dominik Auth, Patrick Fiala, Pascal Sauer, Guillermo Carpintero, and Stefan Breuer
17:30 |
HL 35.67 |
External optical self feedback stabilization of an InP generic foundry platform based passively mode-locked ring laser — •Dominik Auth, Mu-Chieh Lo, Christoph Weber, Patrick Fiala, Pascal Sauer, Guillermo Carpintero, and Stefan Breuer
17:30 |
HL 35.68 |
Optical pulse train stability of monolithic passively mode-locked quantum dot lasers on silicon emitting at 1310 nm — Dominik Auth, Songtao Liu, •Stefan Breuer, and John Bowers
17:30 |
HL 35.69 |
Experimental studies on modal gain, absorption and dispersion of nanostructured edge-emitting monolithic semiconductor lasers — Felix Wilke, Stefan Heppe, •Christoph Weber, Dominik Auth, Quentin Gaimard, Abderrahim Ramdane, Andreas Klehr, Andrea Knigge, Igor Krestnikov, Thomas Walther, Jérôme Faist, and Stefan Breuer
17:30 |
HL 35.70 |
Emission dynamics of monolithic broad-area InAs/InGaAs quantum dot lasers — •Dominik Auth, Christoph Weber, Stefan Breuer, Vladimir V. Korenev, Artem V. Savelyev, Mikhail V. Maximov, and Alexey E. Zhukov
17:30 |
HL 35.71 |
Modal gain and dispersion of monolithic broad-area InAs/InGaAs quantum dot lasers — •Dominik Auth, Christoph Weber, Stefan Breuer, Vladimir V. Korenev, Artem V. Savelyev, Mikhail V. Maximov, and Alexey E. Zhukov
17:30 |
HL 35.72 |
Optical frequency comb splitting of nanostructured semiconductor lasers — •Christoph Weber, Lorenzo L. Columbo, Paolo Bardella, Luke F. Lester, Stefan Breuer, and Mariangela Gioannini
17:30 |
HL 35.73 |
High-resolution measurement of quantum dot emission spectra after resonant excitation — •Tim Strobel, Stephan Simmler, Simon Kern, Jonas H. Weber, Hüseyin Vural, Simone L. Portalupi, and Peter Michler
17:30 |
HL 35.74 |
Electron and Nuclear Spin Interaction in n-GaAs: Impact of Doping and Temperature — •Lida Abaspour, Pavel Serin, Jan Gerrit Lonnemann, Eddy Rugeramigabo, Jens Hübner, and Michael Oestreich