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HL: Fachverband Halbleiterphysik
HL 35: HL Poster II
HL 35.11: Poster
Mittwoch, 3. April 2019, 17:30–20:00, Poster E
Micro-photoluminescence spectroscopy of microsctructured light emitters based on InGaN quantum wells — •Jonas Quatuor1, Mursal A. Baggash1, Ulrich T. Schwarz1, Jana Hartmann2, and Andreas Waag2 — 1Institute of Physics, Chemnitz University of Technology — 2Institute for Semiconductor Technology, Braunschweig University of Technology
Light emitters with mictrostroctured, threedimensional surface have several advantages with respect to such with planar ones: the InGaN quantum wells on side facets of microstructures like µ-rods or fins may be of semi- or nonpolar orientation with reduced internal fields, the ratio of QW area to wafer area is increased, threading dislocation density in the QWs is reduced, and the indium uptake during epitaxy is enhanced. We investigate the spectral properties (wavelength shift, intensity, linewidth) of the InGaN QW by micro-photoluminescence. From temperature dependent droop measurements we estimate the internal quantum efficiency (IQE). Nonpolar QWs on sidewalls emit polarized light because of the lower symmetrie. From excitation density dependent measurements of the degree of polarization, we determine the carrier density.