09:30 |
MA 1.1 |
Coexistence of trivial and topological edge states in two-dimensional topological insulators — T. L. van den Berg, M. R. Calvo, and •D. Bercioux
09:45 |
MA 1.2 |
An anomalous higher-order topological insulator — •Selma Franca, Jeroen van den Brink, and Ion Cosma Fulga
10:00 |
MA 1.3 |
Quantum Phase Transitions between Zn×Zn Symmetry Protected Topological Phases — •Julian Bibo, Ruben Verresen, and Frank Pollmann
10:15 |
MA 1.4 |
Quasiparticle interference and spin momentum locking of topological insulator surface states — •Henry Legg, Wouter Jolie, Timo Knispel, Nick Borgwardt, Zhiwei Wang, Markus Grüninger, Yoichi Ando, Thomas Michely, and Carsten Busse
10:30 |
MA 1.5 |
Topological insulator - ferrimagnet interface: Bi2Te3 on Fe3O4 — •Vanda M. Pereira, Chi-Nan Wu, Cariad Knight, Simone G. Altendorf, and Liu Hao Tjeng
10:45 |
MA 1.6 |
Transport properties of MBE grown Bi2Te3 on Fe3O4 thin film heterostructure — •Chi-Nan Wu, Vanda M. Pereira, Cariad Knight, Simone G. Altendorf, Minghwei Hong, Jueinai Kwo, and Liu Hao Tjeng
11:00 |
MA 1.7 |
Towards Topological Quasi-Freestanding Stanene via Substrate Engineering — •Philipp Eck, Domenico Di Sante, Maximilian Bauernfeind, Marius Will, Ronny Thomale, Jörg Schäfer, Ralph Claessen, and Giorgio Sangiovanni
11:15 |
15 min. break.
11:30 |
MA 1.8 |
VLS-Growth and characterization of bulk-insulating topological insulator nanowires — •Felix Münning, Oliver Breunig, Zhiwei Wang, Mengmeng Bai, Stefan Roitsch, Klaus Meerholz, Thomas Fischer, Sanjay Mathur, and Yoichi Ando
11:45 |
MA 1.9 |
Crossed Andreev reflection in Superconductor-TI nanowire junctions — •Michael Barth, Jacob Fuchs, Cosimo Gorini, and Klaus Richter
12:00 |
MA 1.10 |
Coulomb Blockade in Topological Insulator Quantum Dots — Klaus Richter, Cosimo Gorini, Raphael Kozlovsky, •Ansgar Graf, and Andreas Hackl
12:15 |
MA 1.11 |
On-demand thermoelectric generation of equal-spin Cooper pairs — •Felix Keidel, Pablo Burset, Sun-Yong Hwang, Björn Sothmann, and Björn Trauzettel
12:30 |
MA 1.12 |
Topological edge states in novel monolayer 2D materials — •Luca Vannucci, Nicola Marzari, and Kristian S. Thygesen
12:45 |
MA 1.13 |
Topological Devil's staircase in atomic two-leg ladders — Simone Barbarino, Davide Rossini, •Matteo Rizzi, Rosario Fazio, Giuseppe E. Santoro, and Marcello Dalmonte