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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus
MA 12: Spincaloric transport
MA 12.2: Vortrag
Montag, 1. April 2019, 17:30–17:45, H53
Spin Seebeck Effect in Noncollinear Antiferromagnets — •Robin R. Neumann1, Alexander Mook1, Jürgen Henk1, and Ingrid Mertig1,2 — 1Institut für Physik, Martin-Luther-Universität, D-06120 Halle — 2Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik, D-06120 Halle
Applying a temperature gradient to a magnetic insulator results in a magnonic spin current response, a phenomenon that goes under the name “spin Seebeck effect” (SSE). To date the SSE has been measured in ferromagnets/ferrimagnets [1] or in collinear antiferromagnets in an external magnetic field [2]. However in zero field the SSE vanishes in collinear antiferromagnets [2] whereas noncollinear antiferromagnets exhibit a SSE, which we demonstrate theoretically by reference to the kagome antiferromagnet potassium iron jarosite. Our findings suggest to replace ferromagnets by antiferromagnets as the spin-active parts of next-generation spincaloritronic devices.
[1] Uchida et al., Nat. Materials 9, 894–897 (2010).
[2] Wu et al., PRL 116, 097204 (2016).