09:30 |
MA 4.1 |
Properties of Majorana Fermions in a Planar Josephson Junction — •Aidan Wastiaux and Falko Pientka
09:45 |
MA 4.2 |
Laser induced DC photocurrents in 3D topological insulators Hall bar and nanowire devices — •Nina Meyer, Thomas Schumann, Eva Schmoranzerová, Kevin Geishendorf, Gregor Mussler, Jakob Walowski, Petr Nemec, Andy Thomas, Kornelius Nielsch, Detlev Grützmacher, and Markus Münzenberg
10:00 |
MA 4.3 |
Characterization of topological band structure features away from the Fermi level via the anomalous Nernst effect — •Jonathan Noky, Johannes Gooth, Claudia Felser, and Yan Sun
10:15 |
MA 4.4 |
The Z2 topology of bismuth — •Irene Aguilera, Christoph Friedrich, Gustav Bihlmayer, and Stefan Blügel
10:30 |
MA 4.5 |
Transport and scanning tunneling microscopy study on layered Dirac material EuMnBi2 — •Xinglu Que, Qingyu He, Claus Mühle, Jürgen Nuss, Lihui Zhou, and Hidenori Takagi
10:45 |
MA 4.6 |
First-principles study of electrical transport with phonons and magnons — •David Wagenknecht, Dominik Legut, Karel Carva, and Ilja Turek
11:00 |
MA 4.7 |
Spin Hall magnetoresistance in metals on antiferromagnetic α-Cr2O3 — •Tobias Kosub, Asser Elsayed, Richard Schlitz, Jürgen Fassbender, Sebastian Gönnenwein, and Denys Makarov
11:15 |
15 min. break
11:30 |
MA 4.8 |
Magnonic Weyl states in Cu2OSeO3 — •L. Zhang, Y. A Onykiienko, P.M. Buhl, Y. V Tymoshenko, P. Čermák, A. Schneidewind, S. Blügel, D.S. Inosov, and Y. Mokrousov
11:45 |
MA 4.9 |
Symmetry aspects of spin-filtering in molecular junctions: hybridization and quantum interference effects — •Dongzhe Li and Alexander Smogunov
12:00 |
MA 4.10 |
Reconfigurable spin tunnel diode based on stacked two-dimensional materials — •Ersoy Sasioglu, Stefan Blügel, and Ingrid Mertig
12:15 |
MA 4.11 |
Nonmagnet-Barrier Interface Drives Tunnelling Anisotropic Magnetoresistance — •Philipp Risius, Carsten Mahr, Michael Czerner, and Christian Heiliger
12:30 |
MA 4.12 |
Current induced Néel-order switching in antiferromagnetic CuMnAs deposited by magnetron sputtering — •Tristan Matalla-Wagner, Matthias Rath, Jan-Michael Schmalhorst, Günter Reiss, and Markus Meinert
12:45 |
MA 4.13 |
Multifunctional Antiperovskites driven by Strong Magnetostructural Coupling — •Harish Kumar Singh, Ilias Samathrakis, Nuno Fortunato, and Hongbin Zhang
13:00 |
MA 4.14 |
Origin of anomalous Hall effect in magnetic antiperovskites — •Ilias Samathrakis, Harish Kumar Singh, and Hongbin Zhang