09:30 |
MA 43.1 |
Accelerated magnetic re-ordering in Ne+ irradiated FeAl thin film — •Maciej Oskar Liedke, Jonathan Ehrler, Rantej Bali, Jakub Cizek, Maik Butterling, Eric Hirschmann, and Andreas Wagner
09:45 |
MA 43.2 |
Self-assembly of magnetic nanoparticles investigated using advanced scattering techniques — •Nileena Nandakumaran, Mikhail Feygenson, Lester Barnsley, Artem Feoktystov, and Thomas Brückel
10:00 |
MA 43.3 |
Field-induced deformation of nanorod-hydrogel composites — •Kerstin Birster, Rouven Schweitzer, Christoph Schopphoven, and Andreas Tschöpe
10:15 |
MA 43.4 |
Voltage control of magnetism in Iron oxide/Iron nanostripes and electrodeposition of epitaxial Fe nanocuboids — •Martin Nichterwitz, Shashank Honnali Sudheendra, Jonas Zehner, Mara Henschel, Kornelius Nielsch, and Karin Leistner
10:30 |
MA 43.5 |
Domain engineering in ferroic systems with a compensated magnetic order — •Amadé Bortis, Jannis Lehmann, Claire Donnelly, Naëmi R. Leo, Peter M. Derlet, Laura J. Heyderman, and Manfred Fiebig
10:45 |
MA 43.6 |
Origin and Manipulation of Stable Vortex Ground States in Permalloy Nanotubes — Michael Zimmermann, •Thomas Meier, Florian Dirnberger, Attila Kákay, Martin Decker, Sebastian Wintz, Simone Finizio, Elisabeth Josten, Jörg Raabe, Matthias Kronseder, Dominique Bougeard, Jürgen Lindner, and Christian Back
11:00 |
MA 43.7 |
Dynamical magnetic properties of individual permalloy nanotubes — Michael Zimmermann, Thomas Meier, Elisabeth Josten, Kilian Lenz, Rysard Narkovic, Jürgen Lindner, Christian Horst Back, and •Attila Kakay