
Regensburg 2019 – scientific programme

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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus

MA 47: Magnetic anisotropy in thin films

MA 47.4: Talk

Thursday, April 4, 2019, 12:15–12:30, H53

Asymmetric domain wall nucleation in Pt/Co/AlOx micro-wires with differing anisotropies — •Marvin Muller1,2, Phuong Dao1,3,4, Manuel Baumgartner1, Zhaouchu Luo3,4, Laura Heyderman3,4, and Pietro Gambardella11Magnetism and Interface Physics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland — 2Current Address: Laboratory for Multifunctional Ferroic Materials (M. Fiebig), ETH Zurich, Switzerland — 3Laboratory for Mesoscopic Systems, ETH Zurich, Switzerland — 4Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland

The ability to spatially and temporally control the magnetic state of a thin film by the application of charge current gives access to fascinating technologies with a prominent example being the racetrack memory. Among the existing heterostructures, Pt/Co/AlOx with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy is a prototype system to study the effects of current-induced spin-orbit torques (SOTs) on the magnetization. The necessity of an external magnetic field for controlled domain wall nucleation i.e. data writing, however, holds back the integration of SOTs in magnetic memory applications. We tackle this issue by interfacing regions of differing magnetic anisotropy to minic the symmetry-breaking effect of an external magnetic field and achieve local asymmetric domain wall nucleation using current-induced SOTs in Pt/Co/AlOx tri-layer films.

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