15:00 |
MA 49.1 |
Long-lived magnetic states in atomic-scale magnets — •Sebastian Stepanow
15:30 |
MA 49.2 |
Mechanism of spin-dependent electron transfer on ferromagnetic interfaces: an ab initio study — •Simiam Ghan, Karsten Reuter, and Harald Oberhofer
15:45 |
MA 49.3 |
Unraveling the Oxidation and Spin State of Mn-Corrole — •Reza Kakavandi, Mateusz Paszkiewicz, Hazem Aldahhak, Uwe Gerstmann, Wolfgang Schofberger, Wolf Gero Schmidt, Johannes V. Barth, and Florian Klappenberger
16:00 |
MA 49.4 |
Magnetic excitation spectra of single atoms on magnetic and non-magnetic substrates — •Juba Bouaziz, Manuel dos Santos Dias, and Samir Lounis
16:15 |
MA 49.5 |
Anisotropic spin-split surface states in momentum space from molecular adsorption — •Rico Friedrich, Vasile Caciuc, Bernd Zimmermann, Gustav Bihlmayer, Nicolae Atodiresei, and Stefan Blügel
16:30 |
MA 49.6 |
Tuning the coupling of an individual magnetic impurity to a superconductor: quantum phase transition and transport — •Laëtitia Farinacci, Gelavizh Ahmadi, Gaël Reecht, Michael Ruby, Nils Bogdanoff, Olof Peters, Benjamin W. Heinrich, Felix von Oppen, and Katharina J. Franke
16:45 |
MA 49.7 |
Investigation of the effect of Mn adatoms on the critical current in a STM Josephson junction — •Nils Bogdanoff, Rika Simon, Olof Peters, Gaël Reecht, Clemens B. Winkelmann, and Katharina J. Franke
17:00 |
MA 49.8 |
Broadband noise spectroscopy of antiferromagnetic iron dimers — •Gregory McMurtrie, Max Hänze, Luigi Malavolti, and Sebastian Loth
17:15 |
MA 49.9 |
Ab-initio study of the electron-phonon interaction of a single Fe adatom on the MgO/Ag(100) surface — •haritz garai-marin, julen ibañez-azpiroz, peio g. goiricelaya, idoia g. gurtubay, and asier eiguren
17:30 |
MA 49.10 |
Spin excitations in non-collinear magnetic clusters deposited on Pt(111) from TD-DFT — •Sascha Brinker, Manuel dos Santos Dias, and Samir Lounis
17:45 |
MA 49.11 |
Hyperfine interaction of individual atoms on a surface — •Philip Willke, Yujeong Bae, Kai Yang, Jose Lado, Alejandro Ferrón, Taeyoung Choi, Arzhang Ardavan, Joaquín Fernández-Rossier, Andreas Heinrich, and Christopher Lutz