15:00 |
MA 51.1 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
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MA 51.2 |
Approaching THz spin-wave generation in optically-driven acoustic resonators — •Dennis Meyer, Vitaly Bruchmann-Bamberg, Jakob Walowski, Vasily Moshnyaga, and Henning Ulrichs
15:00 |
MA 51.3 |
Ultrafast Spintronic Devices — •Bikash Das Mohapatra and Georg Schmidt
15:00 |
MA 51.4 |
THz-2D Scanning Spectroscopy — •Finn-Frederik Lietzow, Yuta Sasaki, Nina Meyer, Jakob Walowski, Christian Denker, Markus Münzenberg, and Shigemi Mizukami
15:00 |
MA 51.5 |
Emission properties of spintronic terahertz emitters — •Rieke von Seggern, Christopher Rathje, Nina Meyer, Christian Denker, Markus Münzenberg, and Sascha Schäfer
15:00 |
MA 51.6 |
Spin- and charge transport at THz frequencies in metallic multilayers — •Marcel Burgard, Dennis M. Nenno, Hans Christian Schneider, Tobias Kampfrath, and Lukáš Nádvorník
15:00 |
MA 51.7 |
VSM4VTI - thin film measurements with DIY-magnetometer — •Alfons Georg Schuck, Jörg Franke, and Michael Huth
15:00 |
MA 51.8 |
Fabrication of diamond tips for optical magnetometry — stefan dietel, •severine diziain, robert staacke, lukas botsch, bernd abel, jan meijer, and pablo esquinazi
15:00 |
MA 51.9 |
Sensitivity enhancement of EPR-on-a-chip with sensor array — •Silvio Künstner, Anh Chu, Benedikt Schlecker, Boris Naydenov, Jens Anders, and Klaus Lips
15:00 |
MA 51.10 |
Examination of phase transition temperatures of magnetically doped polymer solutions — •Samira Webers, Melissa Hess, Joachim Landers, Annette M. Schmidt, and Heiko Wende
15:00 |
MA 51.11 |
Studying chain formation in ferrofluids and ferrogels by Mössbauer spectroscopy — •Damian Günzing, Joachim Landers, Soma Salamon, Hajnalka Nádasi, Alexey Eremin, and Heiko Wende
15:00 |
MA 51.12 |
Finding magnetic ground state of deposited clusters from first principles — •Balázs Nagyfalusi, László Udvardi, and László Szunyogh
15:00 |
MA 51.13 |
Size-controlled synthesis of hexagonal magnetite nanoparticles — •Ilona Wimmer, Bastian Trepka, Sebastian Polarz, and Mikhail Fonin
15:00 |
MA 51.14 |
Mössbauer study of the particle-matrix interaction of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles — •Juri Kopp, Samira Webers, Melissa Hess, Joachim Landers, Annette M. Schmidt, and Heiko Wende
15:00 |
MA 51.15 |
Optimizing the cultivation of Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense bacteria by setup of a hypoxic chamber — •Fabian Kugel, Paula Weber, Maryam Youhannayee, and Mathias Getzlaff
15:00 |
MA 51.16 |
Wet-chemically prepared magnetic nanoparticles: Influence of different preparation methods — •Jan Martin Henke, Maryam Youhannayee, and Mathias Getzlaff
15:00 |
MA 51.17 |
Magnetoimpedance biosensor for detecting stray fields of nanoparticles: experiment and model — •Elizaveta Golubeva, Benjamin Spetzler, Franz Faupel, and Galina Kurlyandskaya
15:00 |
MA 51.18 |
Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy for xMR Sensor Technology — •Clemens Mühlenhoff, Wolfgang Raberg, Armin Satz, Klemens Prügl, Dieter Süss, and Manfred Albrecht
15:00 |
MA 51.19 |
Noise level optimisation in PHE sensors for magnetic nanoparticles detection — •Anastasiia Moskaltsova, Luca Marnitz, Jan-Michael Schmalhorst, and Günter Reiss
15:00 |
MA 51.20 |
Influence of sputter conditions on domain configurations in patterned thin films — •Sukhvinder Singh, Leon Abelmann, Haibin Gao, and Uwe Hartmann
15:00 |
MA 51.21 |
Surface acoustic wave driven magnetic resonance in CoFe thin films — •Adrian Gomez, Lukas Liensberger, Luis Flacke, Matthias Althammer, Hans Huebl, Rudolf Gross, and Mathias Weiler
15:00 |
MA 51.22 |
Spin-resolved electronic structure of 3d transition metals during ultrafast demagnetization — •Beatrice Andres, Jonathan Weber, Wibke Bronsch, and Martin Weinelt
15:00 |
MA 51.23 |
Fluence-dependent ultrafast magnetization dynamics in TbGd bilayers and their interfacial spin-coupling — •Markus Gleich, Kamil Bobowski, Dominic Lawrenz, Can Çağincan, Niko Pontius, Daniel Schick, Christian Schüßler-Langeheine, Björn Frietsch, Unai Atxitia, Nele Thielemann-Kühn, and Martin Weinelt
15:00 |
MA 51.24 |
Spin structure of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles — •Tobias Köhler, Artem Feoktystov, Oleg Petracic, Emmanuel Kentzinger, Tanvi Bhatnagar, Sascha Ehlert, Ulrich Rücker, Rafal Dunin-Borkowski, Andras Kovacs, and Thomas Brückel
15:00 |
MA 51.25 |
Growth, Structuring and Characterization of La1−xSrxMnO3|Pt-heterostructures — •Cinja Seick, Lukas Szabadics, Vitaly Bruchmann-Bamberg, Christian Jooß, Vasily Moshnyaga, Stefan Mathias, Daniel Steil, and Henning Ulrichs
15:00 |
MA 51.26 |
Magnetic patterning of TMR thin film systems for controlled movement and detection of superparamagnetic beads — •Rico Huhnstock, Andreas Becker, Jendrik Gördes, Maximilian Merkel, Dennis Holzinger, Arno Ehresmann, and Andreas Hütten
15:00 |
MA 51.27 |
Increased power transfer and heat generation in inductive heating applications through proper materials selection — •Marius Wodniok, Michael Feige, Werner Klose, Mikhail Tolstykh, Lennart Weber, and Sonja Schöning
15:00 |
MA 51.28 |
The role of structural anisotropy in the magnetooptical response of an organoferrogel with mobile magnetic nanoparticles — Hajnalka Nadas1, Ralf Stannarius, Jing Zhong, Karin Koch, Annette M. Schmidt, Frank Ludwig, and •Alexey Eremin
15:00 |
MA 51.29 |
Ferromagnetic writing on B2 Fe50Rh50 thin films using ultra-short laser pulses — •Alexander Schmeink, Benedikt Eggert, Jonathan Ehrler, Mohamad Mawass, René Hübner, Kay Potzger, Jürgen Lindner, Jürgen Fassbender, Florian Kronast, Heiko Wende, and Rantej Bali
15:00 |
MA 51.30 |
Fabrication of anisotropic magnetic nanostructures — •Irene Iglesias, Marina Spasova, Ulf Wiedwald, and Michael Farle
15:00 |
MA 51.31 |
Thickness dependence of compensation temperature in GdCoFeB ferrimagnets — •Fabian Kammerbauer, Nico Kerber, and Boris Seng
15:00 |
MA 51.32 |
The contribution has been moved to MA 15.87.
15:00 |
MA 51.33 |
Designing non-conventional 3-D coils — •Assja Laas and Christian Schröder
15:00 |
MA 51.34 |
Using Non-Linear Material Properties for the Optimization of Heat Generation in Inductive Heating Applications — •Lennart Weber, Christian Schröder, and Sonja Schöning
15:00 |
MA 51.35 |
Why Your Computer Should Learn the Maxwell-Ampère Equation on its own — •Simon Bekemeier and Christian Schröder
15:00 |
MA 51.36 |
spin-phonon coupling in FCC-Fe — •duo wang and biplab sanyal
15:00 |
MA 51.37 |
Transparent boundary conditions in micromagnetic simulations eliminate finite size effects — •Jan Masell
15:00 |
MA 51.38 |
Growth of La0.67 Sr0.33 MnO3/BaTiO3 and La0.67 Sr0.33 MnO3/PMN-PT: An approach for Voltage Control of Magnetism — •tanvi bhatnagar, anirban sarkar, markus waschk, emmanuel kentzinger, andras kovacs, lei jin, patrick schöffmann, michael faley, rafal e. dunin-borkowski, and thomas brückel
15:00 |
MA 51.39 |
Non-reciprocal THz response of chiral Ni3TeO6 in magnetic field — •David Maluski, Malte Langenbach, David Szaller, István Kézsmárki, Vladimir Tsurkan, Sang-Wook Cheong, Joachim Hemberger, and Markus Grüninger
15:00 |
MA 51.40 |
Growth and characterization of magnetite based artificial multiferroic heterostructure — •Anirban Sarkar and Thomas Brückel
15:00 |
MA 51.41 |
Spectroscopic and thermodynamic investigation of the new alternating chain system Fe(Te,Se)2O5Cl — •Kseniia Denisova, Dirk Wulferding, Peter Lemmens, Peter Berdonosov, Ekaterina Kozlyakova, and Alexander Vasiliev
15:00 |
MA 51.42 |
Interactions between superconductor-ferromagnet thin films — •Annika Stellhorn, Anirban Sarkar, Emmanuel Kentzinger, Sonja Schröder, Markus Waschk, Patrick Schöffmann, Zhendong Fu, Vitaliy Pipich, and Thomas Brückel
15:00 |
MA 51.43 |
Spin-polarized ARPES studies of copper-based molecular spinterfaces — •David Janas, Henning Sturmeit, Giovanni Zamborlini, Stefano Ponzoni, and Mirko Cinchetti
15:00 |
MA 51.44 |
Macrospin-based demonstration of a Boltzmann machine — •Timo Pulch, Daniele Pinna, and Karin Everschor-Sitte
15:00 |
MA 51.45 |
Optimization of a Fabrication Process for Metallic Nanoconstrictions for Spin-Hall nano-oscillators — •Stephanie Lake, Philipp Dürrenfeld, Frank Heyroth, and Georg Schmidt
15:00 |
MA 51.46 |
Superconductor/Ferromagnet-Heterostructures for superconducting spintronics — •Manuel Müller, Mathias Weiler, Hans Huebl, Rudolf Gross, and Matthias Althammer
15:00 |
MA 51.47 |
Effect of interlayer insertion on spin pumping in Co40Fe40B20/X/Pt heterostructures — •Matthias Reinhard Schweizer, Sascha Keller, Evangelos Papaioannou, Simon Häuser, Moritz Hofherr, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Martin Aeschlimann, Burkard Hillebrands, and Andrés Conca
15:00 |
MA 51.48 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
15:00 |
MA 51.49 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
15:00 |
MA 51.50 |
Field-induced anomalous Hall effect in 2D transition metal dichalcogenides — •Franz Fischer, Nicki F. Hinsche, and Ingrid Mertig
15:00 |
MA 51.51 |
Brillouin zone unfolding: Recovering information from supercell transmission maps — Michael Czerner, •Jonas F. Schäfer, Felix Scholler, and Christian Heiliger
15:00 |
MA 51.52 |
Theoretical analysis of electronic states at the interface between MgO and nonmagnetic metals — •Ather Ahmad, Philipp Risius, Michael Czerner, and Christian Heiliger
15:00 |
MA 51.53 |
Fluctuation spectroscopy of the ferromagnetic semiconductor HgCr2Se4 — •Merlin Mitschek, Shuai Yang, Yongqing Li, and Jens Müller
15:00 |
MA 51.54 |
Comparative investigation of the magnetic proximity effect by XRMR and XMCD and the influence of patterning — •Dominik Graulich, Jan Krieft, Anastasiia Moskaltsova, Tristan Matalla-Wagner, Tobias Pohlmann, Joachim Wollschläger, Sonia Francoual, and Timo Kuschel
15:00 |
MA 51.55 |
Spin Seebeck, proximity-induced, and ferromagnetic-induced anomalous Nernst Effect in Pt/ferromagnet bilayers — •Oliver Ritter, Tobias Peters, Jan Krieft, Panagiota Bougiatioti, and Timo Kuschel
15:00 |
MA 51.56 |
Enhancement of the spin Seebeck effect in lattice matched NiFe2O4 thin films — •Tobias Peters, Ankur Rastogi, Zhong Li, Amit Vikam Singh, Arunava Gupta, Panagiota Bougiatioti, Günter Reiss, and Timo Kuschel
15:00 |
MA 51.57 |
Spin Seebeck effect in ultra-thin gadolinium iron garnet films — •Maxim Dietlein, Stephan Geprägs, and Rudolf Gross
15:00 |
MA 51.58 |
Vertical spin valves using the novel two-dimensional material FeGe2 — •Dietmar Czubak, Samuel Gaucher, Jens Herfort, Holger T. Grahn, and Manfred Ramsteiner
15:00 |
MA 51.59 |
Reduction of dead layer in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 at the (SrO)2 buffered interface with SrTiO3 — •Vitaly Bruchmann-Bamberg, Alexandr Belenchuk, Yury Khaydukov, Vladimir Roddatis, and Vasily Moshnyaga
15:00 |
MA 51.60 |
Spatially resolved observation of helicity dependent switching by PEEM — •Nina Novakovic, Mohamad A. Mawass, Alexander Steigert, Oleksii Volkov, Denys Makarov, and Florian Kronast
15:00 |
MA 51.61 |
2D Maps of Laser Induced Photocurrents in Ferromagnet-Topological Insulator Heterostructures — •Tobias Kleinke, Thomas Schumann, Nina Meyer, Gregor Mussler, Eva Schmoranzerová, Petr Němec, Helena Reichlová, Tobias Kampfrath, Christian Heiliger, and Markus Münzenberg
15:00 |
MA 51.62 |
Dynamic control of cavity-magnon coupling — •Tim Wolz, Alexander Stehli, Andre Schneider, Isabella Boventer, Sergey Danilin, Alexey V. Ustinov, Mathias Kläui, and Martin Weides
15:00 |
MA 51.63 |
Structural and magnetic properties of hexagonal Mn3X (X = Ga, Sn) thin films — •Philipp Zilske, Samer Kurdi, Jungwoo Koo, and Günter Reiss
15:00 |
MA 51.64 |
Ab initio calculation of the magneto-optical Kerr effect in transition metal alloys — •Andreas Held, Ján Minár, and Hubert Ebert
15:00 |
MA 51.65 |
Atom-by-atom engineering of associative memories in finite size spin systems — Alex Kolmus, Mikhail Katsnelson, •Alexander Khajetoorians, and Hilbert Kappen
15:00 |
MA 51.66 |
Local magnetic properties and couplings of Co2−xMnxB: A 59Co and 55Mn zero field NMR study — •P. Fritsch, F. Hammerath, S. Ener, M. Fires, I. Opahle, E. Simon, S. Wurmehl, H. Zhang, and O. Gutfleisch
15:00 |
MA 51.67 |
New PLY Molecules for Spintronics — •Neha Jha, Christian Denker, Anand Paryar, Pavan K. Vardhanapu, Heba Mohamad, Christiane Helm, Swadhin Mandal, and Markus Münzenberg
15:00 |
MA 51.68 |
Theory of noncollinear interactions beyond Heisenberg exchange — •Attila Szilva, Danny Thonig, Pavel Bessarab, Yaroslav O. Kvashnin, Debora C. M. Rodrigues, Ramon C. Cardias, Manuel Pereiro, Lars Nordström, Anders Bergman, Anagela B. Klautau, and Olle Eriksson
15:00 |
MA 51.69 |
Magnetic ordering and spin dynamics in the honeycomb lattice compound InCu2/3V1/3O3 — •Margarita Iakovleva, Hans-Joachim Grafe, Angela Möller, T. Taetz, Evgeniia Vavilova, Bernd Büchner, and Vladislav Kataev
15:00 |
MA 51.70 |
Competing orders of spin-orbit entangled j=1/2 moments in frustrated fcc magnets — •Dominik Kiese, Finn Lasse Buessen, Jan Attig, Arun Paramekanti, and Simon Trebst