
Regensburg 2019 – scientific programme

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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus

MA 51: Magnetism Poster B

MA 51.18: Poster

Thursday, April 4, 2019, 15:00–18:00, Poster C

Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy for xMR Sensor Technology — •Clemens Mühlenhoff1,2, Wolfgang Raberg1, Armin Satz1, Klemens Prügl1, Dieter Süss3,4, and Manfred Albrecht21Infineon Technologies AG, 85579 Neubiberg, Germany — 2Institute of Physics, University of Augsburg, 86135 Augsburg, Germany — 3Physics of Functional Materials, University of Vienna, 1090 Vienna, Austria — 4Advanced Magnetic Sensing and Materials, Christian Doppler Research Association, 1090 Vienna, Austria

Magnetoresistive (xMR) technology has replaced Hall sensors in many high frequency and low field applications due to its higher sensitivity and large bandwidth. However, there are still yet unsolved challenges. For example, xMR sensors lack the ability to measure magnetic fields in a wide linear range, which is needed for high field applications, e.g. detecting high electrical current. Furthermore, there are no xMR sensors available that substitute z-sensitive Hall sensors with comparable linearity and low hysteresis. These challenges we tackle by introducing a magnetic layer with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) into the xMR stack system. PMA is achieved by orbital hybridizations at the interfaces in CoFeB/MgO systems, as well as in Co/Pt multilayers. The influence of a Ru/Ta/Pt seed layer and a Ta(N) capping layer was studied in connection with deposition and annealing temperatures. Depending on the choice of anisotropy in free and reference layer, we obtain linear field ranges of +/-150 mT and realize a z-sensitive xMR technology with a perpendicular reference layer applicable up to 600 mT.

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