
Regensburg 2019 – scientific programme

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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus

MA 51: Magnetism Poster B

MA 51.21: Poster

Thursday, April 4, 2019, 15:00–18:00, Poster C

Surface acoustic wave driven magnetic resonance in CoFe thin films — •Adrian Gomez1,2, Lukas Liensberger1,2, Luis Flacke1,2, Matthias Althammer1,2, Hans Huebl1,2,3, Rudolf Gross1,2,3, and Mathias Weiler1,21Walther-Meissner-Institut, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Garching, Germany — 2Physik-Department, Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany — 3Nanosystems Inititative Munich, München, Germany

In communication technology, surface acoustic waves (SAWs) are ubiquitous as delay lines and bandpass filters. In research, SAWs regained interest for the investigation of the interplay of coherent phonons with other degrees of freedom in a solid state environment. In particular, we are interested in the magnon-phonon interaction within a low-damping thin film ferromagnet. We employ optical lithography to define SAW delay lines on a lithium niobate substrate. Our devices use interdigital transducers (IDTs) to convert the electrical stimulus to SAWs. In this presentation, we quantify the key performance aspects of our SAW delay lines operating in the GHz frequency range. Those frequencies enable the investigation of the resonant magnetoelastic excitation of spin waves in a ferromagnetic thin film of CoFe by coherent phonons. Technically, the film is sputter-deposited between the two IDTs. In addition to the phonon transmission information, we optically detect the generated magnetic excitations. We acknowledge financial support by DFG via projects WE5386/4 and WE5386/5.

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