Regensburg 2019 – scientific programme
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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus
MA 51: Magnetism Poster B
MA 51.69: Poster
Thursday, April 4, 2019, 15:00–18:00, Poster C
Magnetic ordering and spin dynamics in the honeycomb lattice compound InCu2/3V1/3O3 — •Margarita Iakovleva1,2, Hans-Joachim Grafe1, Angela Möller3, T. Taetz4, Evgeniia Vavilova2, Bernd Büchner1, and Vladislav Kataev1 — 1IFW Dresden, Dresden, 01069, Germany — 2KPhTI, Kazan, 420029, Russia — 3IAAC, JGU Mainz, Mainz, 55128, Germany — 4Institut für Anorganische Chemie, Universität zu Köln, Köln, 50939, Germany
We report Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance (NQR) investigation of the S = 1/2 quasi-two-dimensional (2D) honeycomb lattice antiferromagnet InCu2/3V1/3O3. Previous studies on this compound have revealed signatures of an antiferromagnetic transition at TN = 38 K [1,2], though the nature of the magnetic ground state still remains an open question. In the NQR experiment the 115In spectra exhibit a line splitting at T < TN signaling the development of local magnetic fields in the vicinity of a magnetic phase transition. The T-dependence of the longitudinal nuclear relaxation rate T1−1 shows a characteristic sharp peak upon approaching TN=38 K, which we associate with 2D magnetic order. Remarkably, with further decreasing temperature a second, much broader peak develops at T* = 15 K suggesting rearrangement of the magnetic state. We discuss this peculiar feature and possible scenarios of magnetic order in InCu2/3V1/3O3.
[1] V. Kataev, et al.: JMMM 290-291, 310 (2004) [2] M. Yehia, et al.: Phys. Rev. B 81, 060414 (2010)