15:00 |
MA 6.1 |
Designer spin liquids — •Nic Shannon, Han Yan, Owen Benton, and Ludovic Jaubert
15:15 |
MA 6.2 |
MIEZE spectroscopy of spin dynamics and crystal field excitations in Tb2Ti2O7 — •Andreas Wendl, Steffen Säubert, Christian Franz, Olaf Soltwedel, Johanna Jochum, Prabhakaran Dharmalingam, Andrew Boothroyd, and Christian Pfleiderer
15:30 |
MA 6.3 |
Magnetisation Avalanches in Classical Spin Ice Dy2Ti2O7 — •M. Kleinhans, C. Duvinage, D. Prabhakaran, A. T. Boothroyd, and C. Pfleiderer
15:45 |
MA 6.4 |
Magnetization beyond the Ising limit of Ho2Ti2O7 — •L. Opherden, T. Herrmannsdörfer, M. Uhlarz, D. I. Gorbunov, A. Miyata, O. Portugall, I. Ishii, T. Suzuki, and J. Wosnitza
16:00 |
MA 6.5 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
16:15 |
MA 6.6 |
Investigation of the Thermodynamic Properties of Insulating Pr-based Pyrochlores — •J. Gronemann, T. Gottschall, E.L. Green, H.D. Zhou, A. Islam, B. Lake, and J. Wosnitza
16:30 |
MA 6.7 |
Giant magneto-elastic effect in d2 pyrochlores and the formation of a spin-lattice liquid — •Andrew Smerald and George Jackeli
16:45 |
15 min. break.
17:00 |
MA 6.8 |
Intermultiplet transitions and long-range order in Sm-based pyrochlores — •Viviane Peçanha-Antonio, Erxi Feng, Devashibhai Adroja, Fabio Orlandi, Xiao Sun, Yixi Su, and Thomas Brückel
17:15 |
MA 6.9 |
Field-induced magnetic transitions in the Yb- based Jeff =1/2 triangular lattice antiferromagnet NaYbO2 — •Kizhake Malayil Ranjith Kumar, Daryna Dmytriieva, Seunghyun Khim, Jörg Sichelschmidt, Hiroshi Yasuoka, Hannes Kühne, and Michael Baenitz
17:30 |
MA 6.10 |
Spin orbit entangled planar J=1/2 triangular lattice magnet NaYbS2: from a putative spin liquid to field induced magnetic order — •M. Baenitz, K.M. Ranjith, Ph. Schlender, J. Sichelschmidt, B. Schmidt, H. Yasuoka, A.P. Mackenzie, and Th. Doert
17:45 |
MA 6.11 |
Frustrated Ising magnetism of TmMgGaO4 — Yuesheng Li, •Alexander A. Tsirlin, and Philipp Gegenwart
18:00 |
MA 6.12 |
Low-energy spin excitations in the triangular-lattice quantum spin liquid candidate YbMgGaO4 — •Yuesheng Li, Alexander Tsirlin, and Philipp Gegenwart
18:15 |
MA 6.13 |
Randomness in the quantum spin liquid candidate κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu2(CN)3 investigated by artificial distortion of the triangular lattice — •Yohei Saito, Andrej Pustogow, Roland Rösslhuber, Miriam Alonso, Maxim Wenzel, Anja Löhle, Martin Dressel, Takaaki Minamidate, Noriaki Matsunaga, Kazushige Nomura, and Atsushi Kawamoto
18:30 |
MA 6.14 |
Thermal expansion studies on the spin-liquid candidate system κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Ag2(CN)3 — •S. Hartmann, E. Gati, Y. Yoshida, G. Saito, and M. Lang