15:00 |
MA 7.1 |
The Surface Spin Flop in Synthetic Antiferromagnets with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy — •Benny Böhm, Nikolai Kiselev, Darius Pohl, Lorenzo Fallarino, Leopold Koch, Bernd Rellinghaus, Kornelius Nielsch, and Olav Hellwig
15:30 |
MA 7.2 |
Magnetic exchange interaction at the Fe/Ir(111) interface — •Sergey Tsurkan and Khalil Zakeri Lori
15:45 |
MA 7.3 |
Diversity of magnetic phases occuring in perpendicular synthetic antiferromagnets — •Leopold Koch, Fabian Samad, Benny Böhm, Sven Stienen, Pierre Pudwell, and Olav Hellwig
16:00 |
MA 7.4 |
Boundary-Driven Twist States in Systems with Broken Spatial Inversion Symmetry — •Karin Everschor-Sitte
16:15 |
MA 7.5 |
Metamagnetic texture in a polar antiferromagnet — •Dmitry A. Sokolov, Ulrich Rößler, Naoki Kikugawa, Robert Cubitt, Andrew P. Mackenzie, Toni Helm, and Kurt Kummer
16:30 |
MA 7.6 |
Investigation of focused ion beam irradiation induced magnetic spin textures in synthetic antiferromagnets — •Fabian Samad, Leopold Koch, Sri Sai Phani Kanth Arekapudi, and Olav Hellwig
16:45 |
MA 7.7 |
Magnetic bimerons as skyrmion analogues in in-plane magnets — •Börge Göbel, Alexander Mook, Jürgen Henk, Ingrid Mertig, and Oleg A. Tretiakov
17:00 |
15 min. break
17:15 |
MA 7.8 |
THz and SANS study of magnons in BiFeO3 — •Dániel Gergely Farkas, Dávid Szaller, István Kézsmárki, Laur Peedu, Johan Viirok, Urmas Nagel, Toomas Rõõm, and Sándor Bordács
17:30 |
MA 7.9 |
LTEM and DPC measurements on room temperature magnetic skyrmions in Pt/Co/W multilayers — •S. Pöllath, T. Lin, H. Liu, Y. Zhang, B. Ji, N. Lei, J. J. Yun, L. Xi, D. Z. Yang, Z. Xing, Z. L. Wang, L. Sun, Y. Z. Wu, L. F. Yin, W. B. Wang, J. Shen, J. Zweck, C. H. Back, Y. G. Zhang, and Q. S. Zhao
17:45 |
MA 7.10 |
Multi-k spin textures in the complex magnetic phase diagram of rare-earth copper compounds — •Wolfgang Simeth, Marein Rahn, Andreas Bauer, Robert Georgii, Matthias Gutmann, Vladimir Hutanu, Pascal Manuel, Martin Meven, Sebastian Mühlbauer, Kirill Nemkovski, Bachir Ouladdiaf, Karel Prokes, Tobias Schrader, and Christian Pfleiderer
18:00 |
MA 7.11 |
Chiral Magnetic Skyrmions with Arbitrary Topological Charge — Filipp N. Rybakov and •Nikolai N. Kiselev
18:15 |
MA 7.12 |
Entropic stabilization of magnetic skyrmions in ultrathin films — •Stephan von Malottki, Pavel F. Bessarab, Soumyajyoti Haldar, Anna Delin, and Stefan Heinze
18:30 |
MA 7.13 |
Electrically controllable magnetic switching and soliton motion in insulating magnetic garnets with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy — •Andrew Ross, Shilei Ding, Sven Becker, Yuichiro Kurokawa, Shruti Gupta, Jinbo Yang, Romain Lebrun, Gerhard Jakob, and Mathias Kläui
18:45 |
MA 7.14 |
Robust modulated magnetic phases in lacunar spinel GaMo4S8 — •Ádám Butykai, Dávid Szaller, László Balogh, László Ferenc Kiss, Lisa DeBeer-Schmitt, Hiroyuki Nakamura, Sándor Bordács, and István Kézsmárki
19:00 |
MA 7.15 |
Magnetic force microscopy investigation of spin textures in the ferromagnetic semimetal Fe3Sn2 — •Markus Altthaler, Dennis Meier, Mohammed Kassem, Vladimir Tsurkan, Stephan Krohns, and István Kézsmárki