15:00 |
MA 8.1 |
Integrated magnonic half-adder — •Qi Wang, Roman Verba, Thomas Brächer, Philipp Pirro, and Andrii Chumak
15:15 |
MA 8.2 |
Efficient Magnonic Spin Transport in Insulating Antiferromagnetic Thin Films — •Andrew Ross, Romain Lebrun, Scott Bender, Joel Cramer, Asaf Kay, David Ellis, Daniel Grave, Lorenzo Baldrati, Alireza Qaiumzedah, Arne Brataas, Anvar Rothschild, Rembert Duine, and Mathias Kläui
15:30 |
MA 8.3 |
Phase-resolved imaging of non-linear spin-wave excitation at low magnetic bias field — •Rouven Dreyer, Lea Apel, Niklas Liebing, and Georg Woltersdorf
15:45 |
MA 8.4 |
Magnon Bose-Einstein condensation in a wide temperature range — •Laura Mihalceanu, Dmytro A. Bozhko, Vitaliy I. Vasyuchka, Alexander A. Serga, and Burkard Hillebrands
16:00 |
MA 8.5 |
Second sound in magnon Bose-Einstein condensate — •Halyna Yu. Musiienko-Shmarova, Dmytro A. Bozhko, Alexander J.E. Kreil, Alexander A. Serga, Anna Pomyalov, Victor S. L’vov, and Burkard Hillebrands
16:15 |
MA 8.6 |
Free standing 3D yttrium iron garnet nanobridges with very low Gilbert damping fabricated by room temperature laser deposition. — •Philip Trempler, Christoph Hauser, Philipp Geyer, Rouven Dreyer, Frank Heyroth, and Georg Schmidt
16:30 |
MA 8.7 |
Construction and investigation of spin wave lenses — •Philipp Geyer, Rouven Dreyer, and Georg Schmidt
16:45 |
MA 8.8 |
Unidirectional spin wave propagation in a magnetic bilayer system — •Moritz Geilen, Matías Grassi, Morteza Mohseni, Yves Henry, Thomas Brächer, Damien Louis, Michel Hehn, Matthieu Bailleul, Burkard Hillebrands, and Philipp Pirro
17:00 |
15 min. break
17:15 |
MA 8.9 |
Magnonic crystals on atomic length scales — Huajun Qin, Sergey Tsurkan, Arthur Ernst, and •Khalil Zakeri Lori
17:30 |
MA 8.10 |
Spin waves in disordered film and bulk samples — Pawel Buczek, •Martin Hoffmann, Wulf Wulfhekel, Khalil Zakeri, and Arthur Ernst
17:45 |
MA 8.11 |
Frequency multiplication in ferromagnetic layers detected by diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers — •Chris Körner, Niklas Liebing, Rouven Dreyer, and Georg Woltersdorf
18:00 |
MA 8.12 |
Propagating magnetic droplet solitons as moveable nano-scale spin-wave sources — •Morteza Mohseni, Thomas Brächer, Qi Wang, Majid Mohseni, Burkard Hillebrands, and Philipp Pirro
18:15 |
MA 8.13 |
Control and stimulation of three-magnon scattering in a magnetic vortex — •Lukas Körber, Katrin Schultheiss, Tobias Hula, Roman Verba, Toni Hache, and Helmut Schultheiss
18:30 |
MA 8.14 |
Temporal evolution of magnon-magnonen interactions in a magnetic vortex — •Tobias Hula, Katrin Schultheiß, Lukas Körber, Franziska Wehrmann, Kai Wagner, and Helmut Schultheiß