Regensburg 2019 – scientific programme
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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus
MA 8: Magnonics
MA 8.9: Talk
Monday, April 1, 2019, 17:15–17:30, H52
Magnonic crystals on atomic length scales — Huajun Qin1,2, Sergey Tsurkan1, Arthur Ernst3,4, and •Khalil Zakeri Lori1 — 1Heisenberg Spin-dynamics Group, Physikalisches Institut, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Wolfgang-Gaede-Str. 1, D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany — 2NanoSpin, Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University School of Science, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland — 3Institute for Theroretical Physics, Johannes Kepler University,Altenberger Str. 69, 4040 Linz, Austria — 4Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik, Weinberg 2, D-06120 Halle, Germany
We discuss the possibility of designing atomic-scale magnonic crystals for operation in terahertz regime. Utilizing spin-polarized high-resolution electron energy-loss spectroscopy we investigate ferromagnetic multilayers composed of alternating layers of Fe and Co grown on different substrates. We show that in such atomically designed multilayers one can efficiently excite different magnon modes associated with the quantum confinement in the third dimension i.e., the direction perpendicular to the layers. We demonstrate experimentally that the magnonic band structure in these materials exhibits bands of allowed magnon states as well as forbidden gaps. The band structure can be tuned by changing the materials combination and the number of atomic layers. The work has been supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) through the Heisenberg Programme ZA 902/3-1 and the DFG grant ZA 902/4-1.