MA 9: Cooperative phenomena: Spin structures and magnetic phase transitions
Montag, 1. April 2019, 15:00–17:00, H53
15:00 |
MA 9.1 |
Linearly coordinated Ni in the two-dimensional quantum magnet K2NiO2 — Tanita J. Ballé, •Laurin Brunner, Alexander A. Tsirlin, and Anton Jesche
15:15 |
MA 9.2 |
Structural and magnetic properties of the compounds of the series Mn5−xFexSi3 (x=1,2,3) — •Mohammed Ait haddouch, Jörg Voigt, Nicolo Violini, Karen Friese, Jörg Perßon, and Thomas Brückel
15:30 |
MA 9.3 |
Weak ferromagnetism in Mn3X (X=Sn, Ge, Ga) compounds — •Bendegúz Nyári, András Deák, Jerome Jackson, and László Szunyogh
15:45 |
MA 9.4 |
Electronic properties and spin waves of Mn5Si3 from first principles — •Flaviano José dos Santos, Nikolaos Biniskos, Manuel dos Santos Dias, Karin Schmalzl, Stefan Blügel, Stéphane Raymond, and Samir Lounis
16:00 |
MA 9.5 |
Photo-induced excitation and its relaxation in the magnetic and polaronic microstructure of a manganite studied by Ehrenfest dynamics — •Sangeeta Rajpurohit, Michael ten Brink, and Peter Blöchl
16:15 |
MA 9.6 |
Magnetic properties of novel Rare-Earth Molybdenum oxides — •Kseniia Denisova, Anna Shlyakhtina, Mahmoud Abdel-Hafiez, Maxim Avdeev, Peter Lemmens, Olga Volkova, and Alexander Vasiliev
16:30 |
MA 9.7 |
Competition between Kondo and Kitaev Physics in a frustrated impurity coupled to a fermionic bath — •Tathagata Chowdhury, Ralf Bulla, and Achim Rosch
16:45 |
MA 9.8 |
Magnetism and magneto-elastic coupling in LiFePO4 — Johannes Werner, Sven Sauerland, Changhyun Koo, Mahmoud Abdel-Hafiez, Christoph Neef, Sergei Zvyagin, and •Rüdiger Klingeler