19:15 |
MM 12.1 |
Amorphous interlayers in semiconductor metallization — •Dennis König, Efi Hadjixenophontos, Guido Schmitz, and Kevin Treder
19:15 |
MM 12.2 |
Chemical bonding effects on the brittle-to-ductile transition in metallic glasses — •Franco Moitzi, Daniel Sopu, and Jürgen Eckert
19:15 |
MM 12.3 |
3D X-ray Diffraction Microscopy (3DXRD) using high resolution X-ray nanodiffraction — •Hergen Stieglitz, Christina Krywka, and Martin Müller
19:15 |
MM 12.4 |
Combining small-angle neutron scattering and analytical microscopy: An advanced method to characterize nanoprecipitates in Ni-based superalloys — •Robert Lawitzki, Ralph Gilles, Michael Hofmann, Julia Wagner, and Guido Schmitz
19:15 |
MM 12.5 |
Real-time monitoring of laser powder bed fusion process using high-speed X-ray imaging — •Jan Rosigkeit, Dieter Lott, Marc-André Nielsen, Benjamin Wahlmann, Tao Sun, Marcus Rackel, Peter Staron, Florian Pyczak, and Martin Müller
19:15 |
MM 12.6 |
Status of the materials science x-ray scattering beamline BL9 of DELTA — •Michael Paulus, Christian Sternemann, and Metin Tolan
19:15 |
MM 12.7 |
Deoxidation of copper surfaces by a dilectric barrier discharge plasma — •Aaron Arendt, Sebastian Dahle, and Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs
19:15 |
MM 12.8 |
The inline branch of the Swedish Materials Science Beamline P21.2 at PETRA III — •Timo Müller, Zoltan Hegedüs, Sven Gutschmidt, Thomas Bäcker, and Ulrich Lienert
19:15 |
MM 12.9 |
the structural, thermodynamics, nonlinear properties and vibrational analysis of 4',5'-dibromo-2',7'-dinitro-3-oxo-3H-spiro[2-benzofuran-1,9'-xanthene]-3',6'-diolate — •Jean Baptiste Famkam Fankam, Jean Mari Bienvevu Ndjaka, and Jeh Wilson Geh
19:15 |
MM 12.10 |
Analysis of the phase transition processes of sodium borohydride and first tests about its rehydration by means of cold dielectric barrier discharge plasmas — •Maik Szafarska, Georgia Sourkouni-Argirusi, and Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs
19:15 |
MM 12.11 |
Ab-initio Phase Stabilities of Ce-based Hard Magnetic Materials — •Halil ibrahim Sözen, Tilmann Hickel, and Jörg Neugebauer
19:15 |
MM 12.12 |
Beyond the typical use of symmetry in Crystal structure prediction — •James Darby
19:15 |
MM 12.13 |
icet - A Pythonic approach to cluster expansions — •Mattias Ångqvist, William A. Muñoz, J. Magnus Rahm, Erik Fransson, Paul Erhart, Céline Durniak, Piotr Rozyczko, and Thomas Holm Rod
19:15 |
MM 12.14 |
Atomistic Simulation of Incipient Plasticity in Compressed Au Nanowires — •Aviral Vaid, Subin Lee, Julien Guenole, Arun Prakash, Sang Ho Oh, and Erik Bitzek
19:15 |
MM 12.15 |
Tuning the electronic structure of organometallic Kagome systems — •Marius Fuchs, Domenico Di Sante, and Giorgio Sangiovanni
19:15 |
MM 12.16 |
Atomistic investigation of non-stoichiometric stacking faults in Fe-Nb alloys — •Ali Zendegani, Michaela Šlapáková Poková, Christian Liebscher, Frank Stein, Sharvan Kumar, Thomas Hammerschmidt, Fritz Körmann, Tilmann Hickel, and Jörg Neugebauer
19:15 |
MM 12.17 |
A first-principle self-consistent phonon approach for studying the vibrational properties of the high-temperature phases of pervoskites. — •Sohaib Ehsan, Marco Arrigoni, Georg Madsen, and Peter Blaha
19:15 |
MM 12.18 |
The AiiDA-KKR plugin for high-throughput ab-initio impurity embedding — •Fabian Bertoldo, Philipp Rüßmann, Jens Bröder, and Stefan Blügel
19:15 |
MM 12.19 |
Mixing thermodynamics of MoO3–WO3 solid solutions from first-principles calculations — •Jongmin Yun, Victor Posligua, Ricardo Grau-Crespo, and Aloysius Soon
19:15 |
MM 12.20 |
pyiron - an integrated development environment (IDE) for computational material science — •Jan Janssen, Sudarsan Surendralal, Osamu Waseda, Liam Huber, Yury Lysogorskiy, and Joerg Neugebauer
19:15 |
MM 12.21 |
Computational study of the electronic properties of electrode materials — •Janis K. Eckhardt, Markus S. Friedrich, Simon Burkhardt, Michael Czerner, Matthias T. Elm, Christian Heiliger, and Peter J. Klar
19:15 |
MM 12.22 |
Smart-data machine learning for surface polymorph search — •Andreas Jeindl, Lukas Hörmann, Alexander T. Egger, and Oliver T. Hofmann
19:15 |
MM 12.23 |
DFT study of the charge density wave metal LuNiC2 — •Soner Steiner, Herwig Michor, and Dominik Legut
19:15 |
MM 12.24 |
A first-principles study of the phase diagram of solid hydrogen — •Alice Shipley, John Trail, and Richard Needs
19:15 |
MM 12.25 |
Hydrogen detection in high strength steels with Scanning Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy — •Ines Traxler, Gabriela Schimo-Aichhorn, Andreas Muhr, Gerald Luckeneder, Hubert Duchaczek, Karl-Heinz Stellnberger, Josef Faderl, Darya Rudomilova, Tomáš Prošek, and Sabine Hild
19:15 |
MM 12.26 |
AuCuNiPdPt as a benchmark for high entropy alloys — •Jens Freudenberger, Felix Thiel, Alexander Kauffmann, Martin Heilmaier, and Kornelius Nielsch
19:15 |
MM 12.27 |
Characterization of diffusive transport in polycrystalline tungsten trioxide thin films — •Jan L. Dornseifer, Alexander G. Strack, Simon Burkhardt, Matthias T. Elm, and Peter J. Klar
19:15 |
MM 12.28 |
Impact of Severe Plastic Deformation on AlxCoCrFeNi High Entropy Alloys — •Lena Frommeyer, Mehdi Eizadjou, Anna Ceguerra, Peter K. Liaw, Harald Rösner, Sergiy Divinski, Simon Ringer, and Gerhard Wilde
19:15 |
MM 12.29 |
Magnetic properties of the CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy — •Soner Steiner, Sergii Khmelevskyi, and Dominik Legut
19:15 |
MM 12.30 |
Experimental Studies of Helium Diffusion and Trapping in Tungsten — •Vassily Vadimovitch Burwitz, Thomas Schwarz-Selinger, Thomas Dürbeck, Georg Holzner, Rodrigo Arrendo Parra, and Christoph Hugenschmidt
19:15 |
MM 12.31 |
Determination of the Vacancy Formation Enthalpy of La by Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy — •Lucian Mathes, Thomas Gigl, and Christoph Hugenschmidt
19:15 |
MM 12.32 |
Grain-boundary diffusion in CoCrFeNi and CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy polycrystals — •Marcel Glienke, Mayur Vaidya, Lukasz Rogalc, Sergiy Divinski, and Gerhard Wilde
19:15 |
MM 12.33 |
invar effects in FeNiCo medium entropy alloys: from an invar treasure map to alloy design — •ziyuan rao, dirk ponge, fritz körmann, yuji ikeda, oldřich schneeweiss, martin friak, jörg neugebauer, dierk raabe, and zhiming li
19:15 |
MM 12.34 |
atomic mobilities of fcc Co-V-Mo alloys: measurement and modeling — •Jingfeng Zhang, Yong Du, Sergiy Divinski, and Gerhard Wilde
19:15 |
MM 12.35 |
Grain-boundary diffusion in CoCrFeNi and CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloybi-crystals — •Alexandra Everwand, Daniel Gaertner, Bengü Tas, Yury Chumlyakov, Gerhard Wilde, and Sergiy V. Divinski
19:15 |
MM 12.36 |
Brute force composition scanning with a CALPHAD database to find low temperature bcc high entropy alloys — •Peter Klaver, Darko Simonovic, and Marcel Sluiter
19:15 |
MM 12.37 |
Universal 1/f type current noise of Ag filaments in redox-based memristive nanojunctions — •Botond Sánta, Zoltán Balogh, Ágnes Gubicza, László Pósa, Dávid Krisztián, György Mihály, Miklós Csontos, and András Halbritter